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Naruto sighed as he sat down, leaning his back to a tree, exhausted from the days work. He looked in satisfaction at the various burn marks on the surrounding trees. Not that anyone would notice since he was in a secluded part of the woods where he could train in peace. No-one knew about it and that was what Naruto liked.

He stretched his muscles, trying to relieve the aching muscles. He sighed in contentment and leaned his head back so his face was facing the sky. He blinked when he realized how dark it was. He then frowned, grumbling to himself. Kakashi wanted to teach him, Sasuke and Sakura early in the morning. But that didn't mean that he turned up on time. He slowly stood up; wincing at his cramped muscles and took a few steps forward.

"Damn, I'm going to be sore in the morning…"

"Are you now?" Asked a silky sensuous voice from behind him that sent unusual shivers up his spin. He spun around, ignoring his protesting muscles, and gasped in shock. Standing in front on him, his face mere inches from Naruto's own, was Uchiha Itachi.

Naruto stood there, fear and shock rooting him to the spot. Just then, his brain kicked in and he stuttered,

"I-Itachi…. W-what are you doing here?"

Itachi said nothing, but he raised one pale hand and traced the whisker marks on Naruto face. Naruto stumbled backward away from the older teen, his eyes wide.

"W-what do you want?" He asked, his voice shaking with uncertainty. The Uchiha stared at him for a while and said slowly and unemotionally,


"M-me?" Naruto squeaked, backing up into the tree, trying to get away from the dark haired males intense gaze. Itachi closed the gap between them lashing out with one hand, effectively pinning Naruto against the tree. The blonde yelped and struggled to free himself.

Itachi leaned forwards and whispered in his ear,

"If I were you, I wouldn't fight. You'll only make it worse for you."

Naruto shivered at the warm breath on his ear. He stopped struggling, though he was still shook slightly. Itachi smirked,

"Good boy."

Itachi's free hand snaked under Naruto's shirt, feeling the toned stomach of the younger boy. Naruto squeaked, trying to get that hand that was exploring his chest, out of his shirt. Itachi chuckled, evidently amused at the vain effort of the desperate blonde.

"S-stop it!" Naruto cried; his voice slightly higher then normal.

Itachi's hand then found Naruto's nipple and pinched it slightly, causing a small moan to escape the blonde.

"Like that, eh, Naru-chan?"

"N-no!" Naruto cried, panting slightly. Itachi removed his hand and gripped Naruto's chin in a tight grip, forcing the boy to look him in the eye.

Naruto tried to wrench his chin out of the firm grip, but to no avail. He stared fearfully into blood red eyes.

"W-what do you want?" The blonde asked again.


"You only want Kyuubi!" Naruto growled. Itachi chuckled again, causing Naruto to shiver at the sinister sound.

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