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Naruto was pissed beyond imagination. He was going to kill Itachi and give him to Sasuke in little pieces and the younger Uchiha would have to look down a microscope to even see his brother!

He was currently in 'their' room since Itachi had insisted that Naruto stayed with him, as well as share a bed, though he didn't try to touch the blonde, much to his relief.

Naruto was then aware of two people moving towards the room. Itachi and Deidara. Naruto grabbed a vase from the side, ready for when the Uchiha set foot in here. The door opened and the blonde hurled the object in his hands straight at the dark haired male's pale face, causing him to duck, along with Deidara.

"Naruto! What's wrong?" Deidara cried, moving into the room when he saw that it was Itachi that Naruto was throwing things at. The Uchiha exchanged a glance with the elder blonde and walked out of the door, shutting the door behind him. Naruto gave a low roar.

"I'm going to get that bastard and rip his entrails out and hang them from the ceiling-"


"-Then I'm going to remove his eyes with a rusty spoon and nail them to the door!"


"Then I'm going to shave his head and give his hair to some rats to use in their nests!"

"NARUTO!" Deidara shouted, grabbing hold of the younger's shoulders and shaking him. The smaller blonde blinked and looked up at Deidara, only just noticing him.

"Deidara? What are you doing here?"

"Coming to get you…what's wrong? What has Itachi-san done to you?"

"DONE TO ME! I'll tell you what he has done! I'm pregnant for fucks sake! Couldn't he as least use protection-"

His rant would have gone on further if the elder blonde had not hugged him tightly.

"Congratulations! Is it a boy or girl?"

"I don't know yet! And it's twins…"

"Twins! That's even cuter!"

"Shut up! I don't want more children." Naruto wailed, clutching at the others cloak. Deidara sighed and then said,

"Come on. We'll sort this out later. Right now you're needed for the sealing ritual."

"Sealing ritual?"

"Yes… come on."

Deidara grabbed the younger blonde by the hand and led him down the twisting halls of the Akatsuki lair. He took Naruto into a room and Naruto gaped when he saw a large statue in the room. It was some kind of humanoid monster with nine eyes, eight in two rows of four and the ninth in the middle. The hands of it were handcuffed and a 'bit' in its mouth as if to symbolise some sort of restriction or imprisonment.

He was led to his place, which was beside Deidara. When the blonde haired man took his position he glanced at Naruto and then looked in front of him. Curious, Naruto looked in the direction the other was looking and gasped when he saw an unconscious figure lying on the ground.

"Gaara!" He cried, trying to move forward. His upper arm was caught in a tight grip and he looked back into Itachi's sharingan eyes and he flinched slightly.

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