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Sasuke stared blankly at the dead body of the Kazekage. They had retreated a distance from the Akatsuki hideout, relieved that there had been no pursuit. Maybe they were exhausted from the sealing ritual.

They watched as the old woman, Sasori's grandmother Chiyo, looked over the teenage red head. She shook her head,

"He's dead…"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the woman, who was now running her hands over the Kazekage's chest as if trying to find a sign of life. Baki, the sand siblings sensei, gave a sigh,

"I'll inform-"

"Wait." Chiyo suddenly said. They all stared at the woman, confused.

"What is it?" Kakashi asked. Chiyo carefully moved Gaara's top so that it revealed his chest. Sasuke blinked, noticing a seal on the teen's chest. It was in the shape of a fox head and looked like some tribal design.

"What's that?"

"It's a seal… It's a demon seal."

"Demon seal? Did the Shukaku do this?"

Chiyo placed a hand on the seal and then shook her head.

"No. This is the work of Kyuubi. He has left a large amount of chakra…"

"Kyuubi?" Sasuke asked. How on earth did Kyuubi get in the Akatsuki lair?

The old woman nodded.

"I think I can revive Gaara if I use the chakra left by the troublesome fox."


Naruto woke, feeling warm and comfortable. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked in confusion. He looked around him and scowled. He was snuggled up to Itachi, who held him a loose embrace. Thankfully, Naruto was fully clothed and Itachi, as he could see, was wearing black silky boxers (XKhaalidaX: -nosebleed-).

He gave a soft groan and closed his eyes. He didn't feel like getting up and he, strangely, felt very comfortable next to Itachi like this. He could wait until the Uchiha woke up to move… he was in no mood to at the moment.

He snuggled a little bit closer to the man's chest, inhaling the musky smell of him.

'It suits him…' Naruto thought to himself absently.

Suddenly, he snapped his eyes open and sat up straight. What the hell was he doing? He should hate Itachi for what the Uchiha had done to him! Angrily, he got out of bed and put his Akatsuki robe on for the warmth. He walked out of the room, deciding to go somewhere quiet where he could think. He walked aimlessly around the base, not really paying attention to where he was going.

"Not here you idiot, un!"

"Why not?"

"Because someone's coming, un! Now, stop it, un!"

Naruto stopped when he heard those voices… Deidara and Sasori? What were they up to? He peeked around the corner of the corridor and asked,

"Deidara-niichan, Sasori-niichan…. What are you up to?"

Deidara, who had his back turned to the small blonde, whirled around to face Naruto, causing him to blink in surprise. Deidara's hair was a little messy and there was a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. His robe was also in disarray. Naruto shifted his gaze to the other and raised an eyebrow. Why did Sasori look so smug?

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