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Sasuke frowned as he flicked a speck of dust off his shirt. Naruto had seen off sick for the past week and was now supposed to meet him, Sakura and Neji for a mission. He had not appeared. Irritated, Sasuke walked off growling,

"I'll go and get the dobe. He's properly fussing over Suki…again…"

The others exchanged glances and decided to follow the annoyed Uchiha down the street.

In a little time, they arrived at the blonde's apartment. Sasuke rapped on the door, but got no response. He scowled and knocked again. Perhaps he was taking a bath…

He quickly picked the lock and opened the door, stepping inside. He frowned. It was…empty and quiet. His eyes scanned the room, noting a few scattered children toys here and there. But it felt empty-too empty.

Slowly he went into the bedroom to see the covers messily thrown on the floor. He frowned when he realised that now Naruto wasn't that messy. Something was wrong. He tried sensing other chakras in the building, but got nothing except his companions.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked quietly when she noticed his deep scowl.

"Something's not right…Naruto wouldn't leave his bed messy like this…"

Neji came into the room, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"There are no hints as to a struggle. Naruto mustn't have been kidnapped."

"If he wasn't, then why would he leave his house in a mess? He used to when he was younger, but obviously raising that child has knocked some sense into that thick head of his." Sasuke said, still staring at the messy bed.

Suddenly, Sakura bent and picked something off the floor.

"Is this your hair, Sasuke-kun?"

She held out a long strand of dark hair. Sasuke took it, frowning. No, not his hair… not Suki's hair…

His eyes widened when he was fully aware of whom the hair belonged to. He gulped in a mixture of fear and excitement. Fear for the blonde's safety and excitement of the fight to come.

"Itachi…" He growled, clenching his fist around the strand of hair.


Tsunade yawned as she shifted through the paperwork in front of her. Oh how she hated this. She was about to sign something when the door to her office burst open loudly. She looked up, irritated and then blinked when she saw Sasuke with Sakura and Neji. She then frowned,

"Where's Naruto?"

"He's missing…along with Suki."

Tsunade gasped, standing up quickly.

"What?" She demanded.

Sasuke came forward and threw something on her desk. She looked at it closely. It was a long silky black hair. She frowned…it was similar to Suki's. Then her eyes went wide and she stared at Sasuke, who nodded.

"Itachi…?" She whispered, feeling dread form at the pit of her stomach. They had to do something before Itachi hurt Naruto.


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