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It had been a week since Suki was born and Naruto sat in the living room alone with the baby. Jiraiya was outside doing something while Shizune was upstairs cleaning.

He was sat on the sofa with the infant lain on his lap. He had just fed her and the empty milk bottle lay beside him. His finger was currently in the baby's mouth as she, for some reason, liked to suck on it. And she cried whenever Naruto took it from her mouth, so to shut her up, he let her. Though it felt a little weird, he put up with it.

He was actually happy that she was born, even though she was the result of rape. She was family, his family. With the same blood as him. He had never had a family before, and he loved the feeling of closeness he had with the infant. She only really responded to him, and not Shizune and Jiraiya. But Naruto supposed that was because he had carried her and gave birth to her.

He had one worry though. When they went back to Konoha, the elders may not like the thought of him raising a child and properly insist that he give her to an orphanage to be adopted. He wouldn't allow that. If they tried, he would run away from Konoha, taking Suki with him. He couldn't bear the thought of being separated from the small infant.

He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked up to see Shizune coming downstairs. She smiled when she saw him and asked,

"Where's Jiraiya-sama?"


"Doing what?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go and ask him?"

Shizune sighed and shook her head,

"I'll leave him to his amusement. Properly doing something to do with his books. I'll start on supper. I bet you're hungry."

"Hmm, yes I am. And Suki-chan here likes to eat my finger…"

Shizune laughed, causing him to pout and give her his famous 'puppy eyes'. She winced and turned her back saying,

"They won't work on me Naruto-kun."

"Then why did you turn your back?"

She didn't reply but decided to go into the kitchen, bustling about, making more noise then necessary. Naruto laughed lightly before turning his attention back to his daughter. He gently removed his finger and the infant whimpered slightly, but didn't cry, for which Naruto was grateful for. He moved her to the crock of his arm, hugging her closely.

The front door opened and Jiraiya came in, grumbling about something. He sat beside Naruto on the sofa, looking at Suki.

"What have you been doing?" Naruto asked, rocking the baby slightly. The sannin grumbled a little bit and then replied,

"Nothing much. I was trying to get some herbs for Shizune to take back with her for Tsunade-hime, but I got attacked by some fox! The little bugger wouldn't leave me alone."

Naruto chuckled and Jiraiya glared at him.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"Why not? I do it all the time…"


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