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After Naruto had spent a small amount of time with Sasuke, Temari and Shikamaru, Suki began to complain that she was tired and wanted to go home.

"Sorry guys, I really gotta go now." He said regretfully, taking the infant from Temari's lap and holding her close, watching as she yawned, hugging him.

Temari crossed her arms, looking a bit crestfallen,

"Oh, I wanted to spend more time with her. Ah well, can I see her tomorrow?"

"Of course you can! She likes you!"

"Cheers. See ya!"


Naruto stood up and walked off, aware of Sasuke who rushed up to walk beside him. They walked in silence and then Naruto asked,

"What do you want?"

Sasuke blinked at him, surprised. How did Naruto know that he wanted to ask him something?

"I don't want anything…" He lied, hoping the blonde would leave him.

"Yes you do…you're an open book to me Sasuke."

Sasuke frowned, but didn't reply.

"And I don't need an escort; I can take care of myself!" Naruto hissed at the Uchiha, watching at the raven haired teen smirk,

"Maybe, but it don't look like you can. You had a lucky shot earlier was all."

Naruto snorted, finding that highly amusing.

"Mummy?" Suki asked, rubbing her eyes while staring at him with her wide eyes. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. She smiled and then cuddled up to him, quickly falling asleep.

"Poor thing," Naruto said softly, "It's been a long day for her."

"Why do you care anyway?" Sasuke asked, suddenly curious as to why Naruto was keeping the child.

"Why? Because I love her. She's like a daughter to me!"

Sasuke stared at him and then the child,

"She looks like as if she could be your daughter…and she somehow reminds me of Itachi…"

Naruto looked up at him, startled, and a little worried as well. Hopefully others wouldn't notice. Sasuke caught the worried expression that fleeted across the blonde's face before it vanished, leaving him emotionless.

"Hn." Sasuke said as he stopped at Naruto's apartment door. Naruto opened the door and quickly went inside; saying a rushed goodbye before trying to close the door, but it was stopped by the Uchiha's foot. Naruto looked at him, irritated.


"It's polite to invite someone in when they've escorted you home…"

"You followed me…I don't need an escort."

"Well, I escorted you, so really you should invite me in."

"Fine!" Naruto snapped before going into the living room and down the hall into the bedroom. If Sasuke wasn't here, he would sort out all of Suki's stuff, but he couldn't. He sighed when he saw his bags at the foot of the bed, left by the toad sannin. He gently laid the sleeping Suki on the bed before rummaging around and getting her fox shaped pillow along with her toad blanket that Jiraiya bought her. She loved those. He gently tucked her in and went back into the living room.

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