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Naruto gave a wide yawn as he felt himself wake up. He felt so tired, partly because Suki kept him awake for an hour crying her eyes out. She seemed to want to go out of the window, the reason for that escaped Naruto, and so he assumed that it was a phase she was going through.

Have you ever heard of a phase of a baby wanting to jump out of the window?

Hey! I've never raised a child before, how am I supposed to know?

-Snort- whatever kit. I made those changes, by the way…

Naruto sat up in his bed, frowning. He slid out of his bed and went to the cot, looking at the sleeping Suki before nodding and going off into the bathroom.

He hesitantly went to the bathroom mirror, curious and yet scared, of what the demon had done. When he finally managed to pull up the courage, he looked into the mirror and gaped.

His face had taken on a more elf like appearance with smooth delicate features and pale skin. His eyes were more angular and his nose smaller yet more delicate looking, giving him a slightly exotic look. His hair was now to his waist and seemed to glow slightly in the sunlight that streamed through the little window, and was even softer then before he discovered as he ran a hand through his hair. He lifted his hair to tuck behind his ear and blinked when he saw that his ears were pointed. His eyebrow twitched at that. He turned his attention back to his face and frowned when he noticed that his whisker marks were slightly darker then they were before.

Kyuu… you didn't tell me I would look like and ELF!

I think it suits you…

Well yeah, but I look like a GIRL! I would so kill myself if Ero-sennin uses me as a character in his next book!

Oh…I never thought of that…

I didn't think you had…God you are so annoying.

Well, I'm SORRY! I can't help it if I'm sealed inside you can I?

I suppose not…

Naruto shook his head and moved out of the bathroom just in time for Jiraiya to exit his room. When he did, he stopped, staring at Naruto.


"That blasted fox did it!"

"Oh… hmm, very nice…"

"Whatever…" Naruto said before moving back into his room, hearing Jiraiya mutter behind him "I wonder if I could use him as a character in my story…"



You better be!

Naruto was brought back to attention when he heard Suki shifting about in her cradle. He went over and smiled at her. She blinked up at him and smiled, reaching for him in a sign that she wanted to be picked up. Naruto smiled and picked her up, kissing her gently on the forehead,

"Muum…maah" She said before giggling and pointing at him with her hand as she couldn't point with her index finger yet,


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