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Knuckles woke up feeling cold and thought he was dead but he looked outside the coach window seeing snow and a new land. Suddenly everything came back to him. The ball, Mephiles, the king, shadow saving him.... Everything. "Why did he want shadow then me?" He wondered. "I will tell you when we arrive" shadow said as if he read his thoughts. "Are you feeling better?" He asked. "Yeah..." knuckles replied. They pulled up to a manor not to far from a stunning castle. "Welcome home..." shadow said opening the door. "Home..... yeah...." Knuckles looks down leaving the home he grew up in. "I'm sorry knuckles if you and I have never met th-" "I wouldn't found someone I came to love.... Even if he's a blood sucking creature of the night" knuckles smiled making shadows undead heart sore. Shadow kisses him before they gather a couple of his things before entering the manor. "Welcome home count Shadow!" Said a purple cat. "It's been awhile step mother.... is father home?" "Yes he just returned from the castle after speaking with your grandfather" she smiled the looked at knuckles. "I see you brought us a snack" she smiled. "No! Step Mother! This is my mate I saved him from Mephiles and the king of London" shadow said once he steps in front of knuckles protecting him. "You're destined to a mortal?" She asked. "Yes stepmother now I need to speak to father immediately." He said. "Right this way" she said and they follow her into a large study. "Silver my love your son has returned with his mate" she announced. "Bring them in Blaze" he smiled happy his son is home and wonders who his mate is. Shadow walks in and silver quickly hugs him. "Oh my son I missed you so much. Now where is your .......mate" he stares at the red echidna walking in. "My god he's stunning... even for a mortal" he smiled and took a lock of the red fur making knuckles flinch. "Father with all due respect please don't touch him he's been through a lot with Mephiles...." Shadow said sensing the uncomfortableness in his mate. "My deepest apologies sir...." "Knuckles sir..." "Knuckles..... was your father by any chance Locke?" He asked and knuckles eyes widen. "Yes sir.... But my mother and I lost him when he went on a journey and we received a letter that his ship sank.... I lost my mother 3 years after that... I was only 14 when she died." Knuckles looks down and Shadow felt bad for him but then he remembered. "Silver I have the documents from your father that needs to be-" the older echidna drops the papers eyes widen. "Knuckles?" "F-fa-Father?" Knuckles tears up and soon he found himself hugging him. "My boy.... My boy...." He hugs him back tears falling. "You father and crew did sink their ship but he was washed up on our shores barely clinging to life. So I granted him immortality and he's been the best second command ever since. He unfortunately couldn't return because of the risk killing you and your mother by draining you of blood. He's got it controlled now." Silver said. "Thank you..... thank you so much...." Knuckles smiled tears falling being reunited with his father. "How is your mother?" Locke asked so happy to see his son but he happiness faded when knuckles told him she got sick and passed away three years after his "death". "Knuckle I'm so sorry I wasn't there" Locke said with guilt. "It's ok father you're here now" he smiled. "Wait.... What are you doing here?! What's going on?!" Locke asked now worried. "Mephiles is what happened sir Locke let's head back to my father Dracula and inform him. "Of course sire... shadow make sure my son is comfortable please" "I will sir" shadow replied. Locke kisses the top of his sons head then leaves. "Come I will show you your room" shadow smiled and showed knuckles to his room. It was a dark room of course but was lit with red wax candles. The bed had dark red silk sheets and covers with matching furniture. "Do you love it my rose?" Shadow asked. "Yes thank you...." Knuckles smiled. Shadow shuts the door behind him and walks up to him. "If I may my rose could we make love if you aren't afraid of me?~" shadow asked gently wrapping his arms around the echidna. "I could never fear you shadow~" knuckles replied giving shadow permission. Shadow grins removing the tie and unbuttons knuckles shirt pulling the fabric off his shoulder before kissing it passionately making knuckles moan.

"I won't ever be afraid of you my love~"

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