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"Shadow I can't it's too soon...." Knuckles said much to shadow's disappointment. "I understand and will respect your decision." He said caressing his loves face. "Do you still love me?" He asked. "Of I do shadow just with everything going on with Mephiles and the king.... And being so far from home...." "Shhhh it's alright you have a lot on your mind my rose and I will wait until you are ready to accept my proposal." Shadow smiled then notice the sun coming up. "I must rest now my love" he kisses him. "Until tonight" he walks away leaving knuckles on the balcony with the wind blowing through his fur.

That night when shadow wakes up he notices knuckles wasn't in his room and decided to look for him. He checked the dining room, ball room, study, halls, and more until he came to the library. Once he enters he sees knuckles reading a book surrounded by candles. "What are you reading my rose?" He asked. "You're family is this powerful?" He looked up at shadow eyes glowing by the candles fire. "Yes I wanted to tell you at some point but I didn't know how...." Shadow looked down. "It's understandable Shadow I wouldn't know what to say ether.... But I must ask.... Why did Mephiles want you? Then suddenly want me?" Knuckles asked. Shadow sat in the chair next to him and took a big deep breath.
"Mephiles's family were powerful wealthy people that was the monarchs in the royal status. Dracula my grandfather is the king and after the death my mother when I was a baby there was rumors that I would wed the first born of the monarchs. Unfortunately the first born was already out to conquer a kingdom for himself so his brother Mephiles decided he shall be the one. Yet this was all under my fathers nose as he was more focused on raising the infant I was at the time. My grandfather refused the arrangement and said that only will I choose my true mate or find them. When I got older I was smitten with Mephiles but soon I learned of his real intentions. He only wanted to marry me so he could have more power and wealth. The day he asked me I refused and since then my grandfather stripped Mephiles family of their status after Mephiles father was caught trying to put a love spell on me to make me marry his son. That was 100 years ago..... The reason he wanted you is ether to hurt me or like me had become enchanted by your eyes which are so rare and beautiful that anyone who stares at them would fall for you..... but I saw more to you.... You were so kind to me that stormy night..... to tell you the truth that night I was going to suck your blood but when the moonlight blanketed your body I couldn't do it. You were so beautiful.... So innocent.... So kind..... you made my undead heart beat.... There I made a vow to never bite you, turn you, protect you, and to hopefully gain the love you have for me now. I don't know Mephiles true intentions but if the king is in on it there must be a deeper reason to him wanting you....."
Shadow finished looking at the stunned echidna. He was quiet processing what he has been told. "Knuckles?" Shadow asked and soon knuckles looked at him. "How do we prevent them from doing more damage to you and your family?" He asked. "I don't know knuckles...." Shadow replied. "Would marriage work?" "I don't know...." Shadow said. Knuckles places his hand over where shadow had marked him as the two sat in silence. "I must go feed now I will return soon" shadow said and walked out of the library. Knuckles sighs and leaves as well. He looks at all the paintings of the family before him when he stopped at one with silver and a stunning female red and black hedgehog with ruby eyes holding a baby. "Maria...." Knuckles jumped at the voice and sees silver. "Who?" "Maria.... Shadows mother.... The day we met at a banquet I fell in love with her. We were married two weeks later and soon she became pregnant with Shadow. I was so happy.... Yet by the time shadow was almost one.... I found my wife clinging to life until our son was safe. She turned to ashes right before my eyes..... she tried to tell me something but I couldn't hear from the harsh gasps..... since then I raised my son until I remarried when he was only 10 years old...." Silver caressing the painting. "I truly miss her.... If we hadnt married she would've be forced to wed the monarchs son.... Sonic....." "What do you mean?" "She was promised to sonic but when we met our fate was sealed.... I never told shadow but the real reason why Mephiles family was stripped of their status was because they were responsible for his mothers death. Shadow wants to protect you from him....." Silver said. "I know he does..... he's respected my choices... and I love him..." knuckles said. "So.... What should I do?" Knuckles asked. Silver places his hand over knuckles heart. "Continue to follow this.... With every beat it shall lead you to what you must do" silver said and walks away. "He's right son" Locke appeared. "Just like your mother and I did" he smiled and pats his sons back walking away. Knuckles once again placed his hand over shadows mark and closed his eyes. He focus on each beat of his heart and starts to see something he couldn't make out but his soul and mind knew what he must do. Knuckles opens his eyes and goes to find shadow who had just returned from feeding. "Shadow I need to speak with you" knuckles said with urgency in his voice. "What is it knuckles?" Shadow asked as knuckles takes his hand. Knuckles walks the two into the library as the full moon brightens the room. Knuckles turns to shadow who's red eyes glow in the light making Knuckles's heart beat faster. He never really took the time to stare into his eyes and realize how stunning they are. "Shadow what I'm about to say I mean it completely. My heart, my soul, and my mind all want what I'm going to tell you." Knuckles said as shadow sat down ready to listen. "You have my attention my rose" shadow said and knuckles takes a deep breath smiling at his love.

"I want to marry you and have you turn me..... tonight"

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