TWO: Jophiel

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"Good day ma'am, I am Jophiel." I greeted the woman behind the counter and she looked up at me with a smile, and I found myself smiling back awkwardly.

She opened up a drawer and ransacked it a bit, before she stood up and walked over to me, "I'm Mrs Kweenton. The principal already let me know about you, come, let me show you to your room." She said and began walking up the flight of stairs while I followed behind her.

I readied myself for an awkward conversation because she looked like a chatty person, but to my greatest relief, she didn't utter a single word until we got to the last door on the second floor. "Here we are, you'd be sharing the room with a fellow student" she quickly unlocked the door and ushered me in.

"Wow" I breathed out once I stepped into the room. I don't know what I expected but the room exceeded it by far. It was very spacious, enough for two people and beds were already positioned on each side of the wall. One was already claimed. I could tell from the colourful bedspread and pictures hanging on the wall.

"I take it that you like the room," Mrs Kweenton said and I glanced at her with a shy smile, "your uniforms and bedding materials will be sent up to you soon, your roommate will tell you how things are run here, the school rule book will also help, so make sure you read through it. And oh, that door leads to your bathroom, feel free to explore" she said all in one breath and handed me the key, "welcome to Basileia college, Miss Jophiel"

"Thank you ma'am" she nodded and closed the door behind her. I waited a while to make sure she was gone before I let out a deep breath and walked over to my bed. I dumped the books and the Bible on it before I sat down as well. The moment I was seated, I began to think about all that has happened today. Everything still feels like a dream.

My mind trailed to the conversation I had with the dean and I sighed. I had purposely left out the suicidal plan I had when I was sharing my encounter with them. I didn't know what would have happened if I'd told them, they would have probably sent me to a mental hospital.

I took a deep breath and looked around the room with raised eyebrows. I slapped my cheeks and I was still there. It wasn't a dream. I pinched my skin and immediately let out a yelp. Once again confirming that It wasn't a dream, it was real. I immediately sprang up from the bed and walked around the room, touching and feeling all I could and it was all real.

It was real. A big smile immediately lit up my face and I twirled around the room, "I am saved" I breathed out as the realization finally settled in. "I am saved from them" I said and kept twirling around in happiness when I twisted my ankle and fell to the floor with a grunt. My hand immediately flew to my ankle and I clasped my palm around it, but despite the pain I felt, the happiness at being free from them didn't dwindle.

With great difficulty I pushed myself up from the floor and sank onto my bed. I sighed in satisfaction at the softness and feel of the bed, I'd never laid on a bed before; they never gave me one. I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts, there was no need to think about all of these.

I gently placed the books on the floor and curled up on the bed, the soft and cold feeling of the bed made me sleepy, "just a little nap" I yawned and gently closed my eyes. And unlike the times I'd toss and turn from insomnia, I immediately drifted to sleep for the first time in years.

The soft thud of someone sitting on a bed and the clanking of keys made me snap my eyes open. My memory was all hazy, I had no idea of where I was and that set off an alarm in my head. My breath quickened and I gulped as I clenched and unclenched my fists, I tried to take a deep breath but my breath kept hitching. I gulped again and with great difficulty, I turned to the direction of the noise and a strange girl sat on the bed.

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