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I paced outside the door with my hands tightly clenched together behind me. It has been over 30 minutes since she walked in and there was still no sign of her. What if she slumped due to fear? She looked so shaky and pale when I told her she had to go in alone, and now I low-key regret it. I gritted my teeth and paced around even more

Maybe I should have at least led her and made sure she was okay before I left. "It was a walk she had to take alone" I tightened my hands around each other and sighed. She'd be fine. The Lord is with her. I paused before the door and peered in, hoping to see her but the room was built in a way that you couldn't make out much from outside. I never had a problem with that, it gave me the privacy I needed to pray but today, I wished the workers had done a better job.

I sighed and peeped again into the room before I continued pacing around. Why wasn't she out yet? What's holding her up? Questions after question kept popping into my mind when all of a sudden I heard her scream, and all my thoughts instantly stilled. It took me a few seconds to stimulate my brain to understand what I just heard, and the moment I did, I immediately made up my mind to defy all instructions and walk in there, however, she beat me to it.

She rushed out of the room and contrary to what I expected, her face was full of smiles and her dark skin was glowing once again. I watched with a relieved look as her wandering eyes searched for something around the room and the moment they landed on me. She squealed and engulfed me in an embrace while jumping up and down.

My lips immediately tugged up in a smile at her excitement and all my fiery nerves slowly calmed down. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and let myself stay there as she kept squealing now and then. "Thank you Lord for keeping her safe" I whispered and she pulled away the next second, still grinning from ear to ear, and that fueled my curiosity to know what happened in the prayer room.

Was she finally saved? Did she encounter Yeshua again?"Stop keeping me in suspense already, Jophiel. Tell me what happened" I queried when I couldn't keep my curiosity in any longer, and she chuckled before she grabbed my hand then led me to the chairs, once I was seated, she took a seat as well and cleared her throat.

"I'm so excited I can barely speak" she blurted after clearing her throat over and over again, and I rolled my eyes playfully at her. She laughed at my reaction and slapped my arm, "Alright, alright. I have to share this!" She exclaimed and grabbed both my hands in her.

"Zadkiel" I hummed in response and she smiled, "your student is now a Christian, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and personal saviour, and..." The world suddenly came to a halt and her words resonated over and over again in my head. She... She accepted Jesus? Tears welled up in my eyes and I immediately threw my arms around her, dragging her into a warm embrace.

She was taken aback at first but she soon relaxed into my hold, making me tighten my grip softly whilst I tried to keep the tears in. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. "Thank you" I sobbed out and I felt her smile against my chest, "thank you so much for accepting" I whispered and she shook her head.

"No" she paused "thank you for answering all my questions but most importantly, thank you for snapping at me that day" She pulled away and looked up at me with a big smile on her face, "thank you so much Zadkiel" her voice was low and coarse, almost as if she was holding in tears.

I shook my head and slowly wiped the stray tear "This is a happy occasion, Jophiel. No crying. We don't do that here" I said and wagged my fingers in her face, making her chuckle.

"You're right, it's definitely a happy occasion" She mumbled. A small smile broke out on her face and all of a sudden she stood to her feet and danced around "Guess who's a Christian? this girl right here! Guess who's a child of God? This girl right here!" She kept dancing around in circles and pointing to herself as she sang.

"What about me?" I cut in and she gave me the side eye before she went back to her dancing. "oh wow! How fast they change. One minute they are a cute little bunch, asking you questions and being so caring, the next minute they forget who you were to them. Such a sad life" I lamented dramatically, and she burst into laughter.

"Such a drama queen"

I placed my hands on my chest and bent over in fake pain, "And now they call you a drama queen!" She laughed again and ruffled my hair before she grabbed the basket on the desk.

"I'd love to stay here and tell you everything that happened, but I have a young girl waiting for me in our dormitory that would kill to hear this story and I want nothing more than to tell her everything! So I'll talk to you later, okay?" She said as she turned on her heels to walk out but I immediately held her back.

She stared at me with furrowed brows and I frowned, "What about me? You haven't told me everything yet! What happened in the prayer room?" Her eyes softened at my question and she rubbed my hand softly.

"Look at the time, Zadkiel. It's 7:30, we already missed study time and if I leave now, I would miss dinner as well but at least I'd be in my Dormitory on time. I'd tell you everything tomorrow, promise" The corners of my lips tugged up in a smile at how tender she sounded and I nodded.

"Let me see you out then" I offered, standing to escort her out but she shook her head and I arched a brow.

"You should stay back and pray," she said and I titled my head, making her lower her gaze. "I just feel you should, don't ask me questions" She kissed my cheeks and ran out afterwards, while I stood there transfixed. I slowly brought up my hand and traced the cheek she just kissed with a smile on my face.

I let out a breath and slumped on my chair. That girl was meant to just be a friend, someone I was to lead to Christ, which has happened but now, she has weaned her way into my heart. "Abba was this ever in your will?"

"Pray" he replied instantly. I smiled at his response then stood up from the chair and walked into the prayer room. This was a personal room, not even Gabriel and Josephine have used it yet but now... I smiled at the thought and got on my knees.

I didn't know what to say as I knelt there. There was almost nothing in my heart to say, so I began worshipping. "Thank you Jesus for carrying out your will in her life. Thank you for leading her to you. Thank you so much for not letting me fail you, again. Thank you so much, Abba." I began and for the next 30 minutes, I just thanked him. "Thank you for bringing this journey to its end"

"It isn't over yet, not for you and not for her either," he said and I stilled, my mind immediately rushed to Franklin and I clenched my fists "There's still so much more for you two to be and to do. Stay together"

"Together, Abba?"

"Yes, together"

I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my neck as I contemplated asking the question on my mind, "Abba, am I free to date her?" I finally asked.

"Stay together, Zadkiel. There's still so much more" he said and I breathed out a laugh. Trust Abba to give you the clearest yet the most subtle answers.

"Okay Father"

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