FOUR: Jophiel

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"Okay, start talking," Ruth said as we walked to the breakfast hall and I breathed out a laugh. "Come on, it's been a day already. What were you and the president talking about? What happened to your ankle? Tell me everything!" She held my arm and shook me lightly as she demanded for answers.

She's been at it since last night, bugging me for answers but I was too tired and still processing everything. "Why do you guys call him president anyway? I get he's the student council president and all, but you can still call him by his name" I mumbled and she tsked.

"How do I explain this to you?" She began and I gave her my undivided attention. "It's just a way of showing Respect. President really looks out for the students even tho he doesn't look like it, and he has a really good relationship with God. Have you seen him during prayers and the baptism of the Spirit? Can you see the way he carries himself? He literally radiates God! He's so wise too and..." She paused and took a deep breath, "do you get it? We just really respect him and even tho he's told us to be free with him, you just can't not respect a man like that!"

"Okay, one thing that I got from all you just said is that you have a crush on him," I said, and a big grin appeared on her face.

She flicked her hair over her shoulders and nodded, "so does every girl in this school. He and Gabriel are the boys that every girl has a crush on. They are both so anointed and fine."

I scoffed and shook my head, "I thought you didn't like Gabriel"

"I think he has a big ego that's all" she shrugged and wrapped her hands around my arms again, "I'm done, it's your turn now. Tell me what happened last night!" She whined and my lips tugged up in a smile.

"Fine" I breathed out and she clapped her hands excitedly.  "I don't know how to tell stories, so you'll have to fix my jargon to truly understand." She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically at my words, but nodded nonetheless.

"Don't be mean!" I pouted and slapped her shoulders, "we're already here" I mumbled when I saw the door to the hall. A shudder rushed through my body as I recalled all that happened last night in this hall.

Everyone had turned to me the moment I walked in and soon mumblings and mutterings ensued. I didn't know why it happened, but at that moment all I wished for was the ability to turn back time. I never would have entered. But luckily for me, Ruth came to my rescue and dragged me away. Now, the thought of entering there again was unsettling

"Are you okay? You are tensed" Ruth asked and I immediately nodded.

"Let's go in, I'll tell you everything as we eat," I said with a forced smile and she tilted her head to the side and just stared at me. A few seconds passed and all she did was stare at me without blinking, but right as I was about to talk, she smiled and hugged me.

"Don't worry, I am here. If anyone makes you uncomfortable. Let me know, okay?" The corners of my lips immediately tugged up in a big smile and we both walked into the hall together.

This time around, it was as if we were nonexistent. No one turned toward us or made any comments as we walked in. I released a deep breath at the treatment and my tensed muscles relaxed, "this is more like it" I whispered under my breath and I heard Ruth laugh at me.

We both immediately walked over to the line for our food, and I used that as an opportunity to tell her everything that happened last night. By the time I was done, her mouth hung open.

"I'm not shocked at the healing because obviously God's good, but I'm shocked at the healing," she said after recovering from her shock and I chuckled nervously. I thought her shock was because of my lack of belief in God being a good God. "Wow, I can't believe this for real! God just honored his faith and request, imagine having enough faith for two!" She rambled as we dished out our food and settled on a random table to dining.

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