SEVEN: Jophiel

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I tried to move my leg, but I failed. I willed every single muscle in my legs to move but they were too heavy for me. So I stood there, rooted to the spot staring at the two people that made my life a living hell.

I was still staring at them when all of a sudden, someone grabbed my arm. My eyes immediately widened and I made to scream for help, but my eyes diverted to the two people I desperately wanted to avoid, and that instantly shut me up.

I'd rather get kidnapped than have them notice me.

The stranger maintained a firm grip on my arm as he led me out of the mall and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch a glimpse of his face, so I gave up trying and let him lead me out of the mall. At least my legs can move again.

"You're safe here" he muttered once we had walked a safe distance from the mall and my lips parted in shock at how well I knew the voice. He pulled away the hoodie from his face and my shoulders sagged in relief.

I felt all the tension in my muscles disappear and without pausing to think, I wrapped my arms around him. He immediately tensed up at the contact and it felt like I was drenched in a bucket of cold water. Why on Earth did I just hug him?

Embarrassment flooded my system and I began pulling away while muttering an apology. But before I could pull away completely, he instantly wrapped an arm around my waist, keeping me right where I was. The tension in my body slowly diminished and at that moment, I let myself enjoy the comfort of another person while my mind processed what happened earlier.

The image of their smiling and gratified faces flashed through my mind and a whimper escaped my lips. How could they? How could they be so happy after ruining a life? How could they look so content with life after all they've done?

I balled my fists and bit down hard on the inside of my cheeks as I tried to keep the tears away. I'll be damned if I let a single teardrop escape because of them, they weren't worth it. They never were, and they never will be.

The coppery taste of blood filled my mouth from biting my cheeks too hard, but I couldn't let go. I'd rather draw out blood from myself than shed a tear for them.

"Jophiel" I heard him call out and I tensed up immediately. "You can cry" he whispered and I inhaled sharply. "I'm here for you" I whimpered and he rubbed my back softly, "it's okay for you to let it all out" he paused for a moment and I felt him tense up, "let it all out, for you not for anyone else."

A sob ripped out of my throat at his words, and despite my restraints on myself, I broke down, while he calmly held me. All the tears and pain I was holding in escaped at that moment. I didn't have the willpower to hold it in, so for myself, I let it all out.

I didn't know how long I bawled my eyes out but throughout the time I cried, he stood still while I drenched his shirt in tears. "I- I soiled your shirt" I sniffled as I pulled away from him.

He glanced at his shoulders then looked back at me with a small smile, "it'll dry up. Here you go" he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over to me.

"Thank you" I whispered and turned to the side as I dabbed my face clean, "does it look like I cried?" I turned back to him when I was done. He stared at me for a few seconds before he gently took the handkerchief from me. He drew me closer to himself and I instantly held my breath while he gently dabbed the corners of my eyes, he didn't seem to notice how close we were. But I was very aware.

"There, it isn't so noticeable now" he looked down at me with a smile, and only then did he notice our proximity. The smile on his face vanished immediately, and he took a step back while I let out the breath I was holding. He cleared his throat and gave me a small smile "are you feeling better now?" I smiled at his question and bobbed my head, I did feel a lot better.

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