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"Doesn't it feel so good to have devotions and pray together?!" Ruth squealed as we both stood up from our praying position. "You don't how long I've been praying and longing for this day" She wrapped her arms around me and jumped lightly.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around her as well. "I never actually thought of it, but it feels really good to pray with someone" I affirmed and she wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.

"I really can't wait for you to start speaking in tongues. You already have it obviously, I'm just waiting for your utterance!" She exclaimed as she let go of me and I frowned.

"Tongues? What's that?" She smiled and shook her head, "Come on! Tell me!" I grabbed her arm and shook it slightly, "just tell me" I insisted but she shook her head.

"I'll leave that to the president, it's his duty" She wiggled her hand out of my hold and I pouted. "But... I'll give you one clue" A big smile immediately broke out on my face and I inched closer to her, "Tongues is in the book of Acts and it's explained in 1 Corinthians 14"

"Not the clue I looking for but thank you, darling," I said and she bumped our shoulders together.

"It's nothing. Now come on, let's head to our classes, it's almost 8" I nodded and we both quickly packed our school bags, before we walked out together.

We usually walked together to class even though we studied different things. She studied fine arts while I studied psychology. Our walk to class had become a daily routine, something that we were already used to, but there was a sense of newness in our walk today. A freshness and closeness that wasn't there before, "I'm going to believe that prayer is the reason there's this sense of closeness and newness this morning" I pointed out and she bobbed her head rapidly.

"Life with God and prayers make things anew every second" she affirmed with a big smile on her face and I found myself smiling widely in return,

"Thank you for coming into my life" we both chorused and chuckled the next moment, "you've spent too much time with me" Ruth pointed out and I bobbed my head in agreement. I have.

We both linked our arms together and shot a smile at each other before we continued our walk to school in silence. Once we got there, I noticed Ruth's eyes immediately sweep the hallway and a corner of my lips tugged up in a smile. There was a certain group of people we were bound to bump into now and then, and she was undoubtedly looking for one person in that group.

I cleared my throat and looked around the hallway with feigned interest, "guess the second most beautiful boy isn't here for you to bicker with" I said and she audibly gasped.

"Who said I was looking for Gabriel?"

"I didn't even say you were looking for him" I pointed out and a look of horror crossed her face, "good to see you expose yourself" I teased and her face turned red. I cooed and grabbed her face, "Now I see why he always bickers with you, you're so cute when you blush"

She immediately snapped her head up to me and glared, "You think I don't see you when you blush at Zadkiel's words either?"

"I'm black" I deadpanned and she glared.

"Doesn't mean I don't notice! I'm leaving, you're suddenly so annoying this morning" she huffed and walked away with a pout, but I stood rooted at my spot with a smile on my face. She might be acting angry but she wouldn't walk out without telling me her magic words. "Be safe and have fun in class! Bye Jophy pie" she called out with a big smile, just like I expected and I waved at her.

"Bye Ruthie, have fun too" I replied and walked away to my class with a big smile on my face.

The professor walked in a few minutes after I was seated and lectures emerged immediately, and I found myself enjoying everything he was teaching and taking it all in with a better understanding than normal. "Is this what happens when you believe in God and accept him into your life?" I asked, amazed at how different everything felt.

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