Chapter two

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I picked up my car from the mechanics last night. It took three days to fix whatever problem the car had. Liam tried to explain to me what the issue was, but I didn't understand a word.

I thanked him ten times over for driving Belle and I to school these past three days.

"Make sure to do these when you get home, alright?" I walk down the end isle of desks in my classroom, handing out the assigned multiplication table worksheets

The room filled with the sighing of second graders

"But it's Friday! We don't want stuff to do on our break days" Colby spoke from the back of the classroom

"Ms. Castleton" A young girl with two teeth missing raised her hand

"Yes, Jamie?" I raised my eyebrows to show her my attention

"What if you don't know how to do these?" she inquired

"Feel free to ask your parents for help" I smiled at her

A brief knock sounded on my classroom door before it opened

"Hello my energetic second graders"

That voice. . .

I turned around, my glance meeting the man I met just a few days ago

"Louis?" I furrow my eyebrows in disbelief. What was he doing at the school. My mind went straight to the assumption that he was a stalker-pshycho- killer and he tracked me down.

"Lacie?" He cocked his head "Well this is a pleasant surprise" He smiled "I'm here to give you the sign up sheet for soccer try outs" he hands me a thin stack of papers.

"Soccer try outs? I ask, quickly shifting through the papers. I let out an internal sigh; extremely relieved that my prior assumption was wrong, and he wasn't here to abduct me and lock me in his cold, damp cellar.

"Yup" he nods "Well it's really more of just a sign up sheet " he lowers his voice "Everyone get's in" he smirks

I shake my head "Why are you handing out soccer sign up sheets. I know you don't work here" I state "I've worked here for three years and I've never seen you before. Not once"

"Well you see, they do this thing" he began scratching the slight scruff on his face "It's called hiring new people. It's a crazy thing, really. They take new people, and they hire them" he shrugs

"So that makes you..."

Louis leans his head forward ". . .The soccer coach" He nods slowly

Louis turns to the kids, who are now getting rowdy

"Children" Louis raises his voice. The room stills "Bring those papers home to your parents. Ms. Lacie-" Louis announcement was cut off by a small boy in one of the front row desks

"Her name is Ms. Castleton" he says proudly

"Right" Louis smirked "Ms. Castleton, is going to hand you a piece of paper. Bring those back on Monday with your parents signature if you want to play, alright?" He asks with both thumbs up "I'll see you all Monday after school" he says, dismissing the kids attention

He hands me one more piece of paper "This is the actual sign up sheet. If you could bring this to me with the kids names who want to play, that would be great"


"Mhhm" he nods "See you later, Ms. Castleton" He says, leaving with a wave


"Mommy!" Annabelle flashes her prize-worthy smile, gripping her backpack tightly as she rushes over to me "Thank goodness you're here. These kids were getting out of control" She shakes her head

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