Chapter Three

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"Morning, Lacie" Kathy greets me as I make my way to the counter.

Kathy is one of my favorite people in Bluehill. Her son and Daughter- in-law own the Bluehill family diner, and she and her husband own my favorite place to get coffee; Bluehill family cafe. The names of eating establishments here in Bluehill are not full of creativity.

"Morning" I smile "The usual please" I tell her as I rest my arms on the counter in front of me.

"Sure thing" Kathy nods as she heads back towards the coffee makers.

I breathe in the strong fresh pie and brewing coffee, hoping that even the smell of the cafine would wake me up a bit.

I look over my shoulder as I hear the door open.

"Hey, Belle" I smile, bending down to embrace my daughter "How was your weekend?"

"Good." she replies, letting out a loud yawn

William walks through the door, cell-phone attached to his ear. Typical

"Mom, I'm tired. Can we skip the school thing today?" Annabelle begins rubbing her eyes

"No sweetie" I give her an apologetic smile

"William" I stand up straight, pulling Belle to my side.

Belle's father holds up his index finger, signaling me to wait. 

I roll my eyes, letting out a sigh of frustration.

"Lacie, here's your coffee" Kathy tells me from over the counter

"Thank you" I take my coffee with hazelnut creamer from the elderly lady.

"You should let me have a sip of that" Belle says, fighting to keep her eyes open

"Why are you so tired?" I furrow my brow, taking a sip of my hot drink.

"I wouldn't be if I had some coffee" She replies

"Ok, well I'm off" William Hands me Annabelle's weekend bag filled with her clothes.

"Why is our daughter so tired?" I ask him.

"How should I know?" He asks, taking on the tone of a teenager

"You should know because she was in your care for the past three days"

"We stayed up a little late" He shrugs.

"How late?" 

"Late. I don't know.I need to head out. Bye Annabelle. Daddy loves you" William kisses the top of Belle's head and exits the cafe.

"I swear" I mumble under my breath.

"You said swearing is bad" Belle says, eyeing my coffee 

"It is, and stop staring down my coffee" I chuckle "You're not having any, kiddo"

I grip Annabelle's hand and make my way out to the car. 

Within minutes of getting on the road, Annabelle crashed out in her booster seat. 

I can't believe William had her up late the night before her first day of soccer. He knows she has a specific bedtime for school nights, and this is why. Poor girl can not function on little to no sleep. 

"Belle" I say as I pull into the school parking lot "Belle" I say again "We are here"

"Ok you go inside" She mumbles "I'll just stay out here and take a little nap. I'll meet you in there"

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