Chapter 15

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The sun beat down on my skin. I shift slightly on the bench we are settled on and tilt my head towards the sky to let the warm rays rest on my face.

Seagulls cried above us as the ocean waves crashed against large rocks .

"Such a nice day" I say

"I figured it would be one of the few we had left up here in Maine" Louis states "So I thought I better take you to the ocean before it was too late"

I squint one eye open to stare at the cute man beside me and let out a grin before sliding off the bench.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks

"Neverland" I scoff "Where do you think?" I laugh "C'mon" I motion for him to follow me down to the water.

I discard my flip flops, placing them on a dry rock. I take short steps into the ocean. The water is frigid to the touch at first, causing goosebumps to appear as the cold water lapped around my toes.

"Geez that's cold" I chuckle, taking a couple steps deeper into the water.

"Then why are you going on further?" Louis ask.

I turn my head back towards him, seeing that he hadn't taken a step into the ocean.

"Oh come on, Louis" I roll my eyes "Its refreshing"

Louis remains in his dry spot and places his hands on his hips, surveying his surroundings.

"Don't tell me you're scared of water because you can't swim" I call to him.

"This isn't a Hallmark movie, Lacie. I'm not going to get into the water and be swept out to sea, flailing for my life as you come and save me. I just don't want to stand in cold water"

I mirror his mannerism and place my hands on my hips "Ok grumpy pants. Then get in."

Louis smiled as he shook his head and walked towards me.

"Dear. . .gosh" Louis says as he wades further into the water.

"See" I say "Not as bad as you thought"

"False" Louis replies "Just as bad as I thought."

"So what is your story Louis" I keep my gaze straight ahead, admiring the powder blue sky

"Hm?" Louis steps closer to me.

"Like, how did you end up in Bluehill Maine. Why are you here?" I glance over at Louis.

He digs his hands into his pockets "Well, after college I wanted a new start" He said quietly "I wanted to get away. . .from everything" his face fell

"Oh. . . College wasn't such a good experience?"

"No, going to that college was one of the best things that has ever happened to me" he replied.

His answers contradict themselves and I begin to get confused. Instead of pushing further I decide to move on.

"Well I'm glad you're here now" I give a half smile

"Me too" the sides of his mouth curl up in an attempt at a smile "Want to go get some iced lemonade?" he asks

"Sounds great"

We trudge up the steps with our shoes in hand, making our way to the lemonade stand that conveniently sits on top of the hill that overlooks the ocean .

Louis gets our iced lemonades and brings the drinks to the picnic table I reserved for the two of us.

"Here you are, ma' lady" he hands me the large cup

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