Chapter Nine

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"This is called a straightener. It should straighten hair. Why does my hair look so weird?" I say into my mirror, taking bobby pins and trying to pin back pieces of my bangs away from my face.

"I look like a man with them up, and I look like a hobo with them in my face. Great" I blow a gust of air up towards my bangs as I stare in disapproval at my bathroom mirror.

"You do not look like a man, mom". Belle gives a quick shake of her head.

I stare at myself in the mirror again, trying to will my hair into looking ok.

I let out a groan and take a seat on the toilet to put my shoes on

"Are you ready, sweetie?" I ask Belle who is watching me as I slide my imitation toms onto my feet

"Mhhm" she nods, batting her lashes at me.

"Ok" I pat my hands firmly against my legs firmly before standing up


Belle and I stay in my parked car for countless minutes.

I see Louis' car parked a few spaces over from mine.

I yank the rearview mirror in my direction to get one last glance at my hair.

"Is there a reason we are sitting out here in the car when there are pancakes in that building just feet from us?" Belle asks

I let out one more sigh before getting out of my car and helping Belle out of her seat.

We walk passed Louis car, and I notice his journal is sitting in his passengers seat.

What is it with him and that journal?

Ok, stop creeping Lacie.

The bell above the door rings as we walk into the diner.

Louis catches my eye as he waves us over to his table. I smile as I take Belle's hand and make my way over to him.

"Hey there" Louis smiles, getting out of the booth as we walk over. He bends down to give Belle a hug, then stands to his full height to wrap me in his arms.

Slightly shocked by the friendly greeting, I slowly mirrored his motions and pulled my arms out from an awkward position, and wrapped my arms around him as well.

This is weird.

Louis breaks the hug and motions for us to sit down. Belle ends up scooting into the booth that is across from me, and Louis slides into the spot beside me.

"Oh great" Belle says, staring at her menu "There are no crayons"

"We are here to eat, Anabelle. You can go without coloring this time" I tell her

A waiter approaches us, quickly grabbing his notepad "What can I get for ya" he says

"Let me guess" Louis looks at Belle "Smiley face pancakes and a chocolate milk for the small one"

Belle sends Louis a satisfactory nod

"What do you want?" Louis asks me

"I think I'll go with the Apple cinnamon pancakes this time" I close my menu "And a water please"

"Alright, apple cinnamon pancakes and water for the Madame, and Blueberry pancakes and a plain milk for me. Hash browns on the side" Louis closes his menu and hands the waiter my menu with his. "Oh and can we get some crayons?"

"Sure thing" the waiter grabbed some crayons out of his waist apron and laid them in front of Belle

"You didn't have to do that" I said

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