Chapter 11

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The leaves on the trees are beginning to change colors; hues of orange and yellow surround me as a few select leaves begin to make their dissention from their branch homes.

I lay on my back with my hands resting behind my head, a large red and white quilt beneath me.

"That one looks like a cloud" Louis points up to the sky "Oh and look, that one looks like a cloud too."

"Oh how strange. A cloud looking like a cloud. You have quite the imagination" I tell him

"Well yes." He smiles, turning onto his side to face me. "This one looks beautiful" He pokes my cheek

"Wow" I fight back a smile "Creative and cheesy."

"Cheesy is not an insult" Louis adds "In case you didn't know, cheese makes everything delicious. So to be called cheesy is actually a very high honor" He nods

"My kid is being very well behaved" I sit up straight "I think I should be concerned"

"Nah" Louis shakes his head "I've been keeping an eye on her" He points to my daughter "She's been digging a hole for the past twenty minutes" He chuckles

"Who gave her a shovel?" I ask, furrowing my brow as I squint my eyes to try and see far enough to get a glimpse of the hole my child is digging in my back yard

"Guilty" Louis utters


"Last week at practice she told me she was sure you had buried treasure back here. Of course I was going to supply her with the right tools to find this treasure."

I let out a brief laugh"Of course"

"Hey squirt!" Louis cups his hands as he calls for Belle

Annabelle looks towards us, then began coming our way as Louis signals her over.

Her small legs quickly made her way to us, stopping at the edge of our blanket

"Yeah" She places her hands on her hips

Louis smiles before asking her a question "You find the trea-"

"Shh!" Annabelle jumps on Louis, clasping her hands over his mouth "You can't say that word out loud!" Belle quickly looks in all directions "You never know who is listening"

Louis raises his eyebrows, Belle's hands still covering his mouth

I purse my lips to contain my laughter.

"But no" she shakes her head "I haven't found it yet"

Belle slowly gets up "Mom I'm kinda' hungry. Digging is hard work"

"Want a sandwich?" I ask her

"Yes! Thank you" She says, making her way back to the hole

Louis laughs as he stands up "I love that kid"

Louis sits on a barstool at the other end of the counter as I prepare lunch

I smear peanut butter over a slice of bread, then place cut up pieces of banana on another piece

"What would you like?" I ask Louis

I make my way to the pantry "We have. . ." I stare at the contents "A lot of kids food" I chuckle

"Hmm" Louis smiles, walking over to me "I will take some Animal crackers and a PB&J sandwich, please" He says, grabbing the animal crackers.

Taking the crackers back to the counter, he re-takes his seat.

I glance through the living room window periodically to check on Belle.

The sandwiches are made and placed on the counter before I walk over to the window and open to call outside

"Lunch is ready" I call, causing Belle to promptly run to the house, flinging her shoes off before she comes into the kitchen.

We all take our plates and head into the dinning room.

I watch in amusment as Belle reaches into her bag of Teddy Grams the same way that Louis reaches into the animal crackers bag;grabbing multiple items at once then shoving all of said food items into their mouthes.

"What?" Belle says with a full mouth

"Yeah, what?" Louis asks again.

"Oh, nothing" I chuckle, taking a bite of my Peanut butter and fluff sandwhich.

"She's making fun of us" Louis tells Belle "I think we need to have a tickle battle to get her back"

"Um excuse me" I say, setting my lunch down "first of all, no" I look at both of them quickly "Second of all, we are eating right now"

Louis turns to Belle, both giving each other a smirk before getting out of their chairs in unison

"Louis Tomlinson!" I yell, quickly stumbling out of my chair, nearly tripping  over myself as I did so.

I sprint down my hall, quickly making it to my room just in time to shut the door behind me. With a flick of my wrist I looked the door.

"Hey, no fair!" Belle says, wriggling the doorknob with all her might.

Silence fell, before I could hear faint whispering. I pressed my ear against the door in an attempt to hear what was being said. The whispering came to a stop, before Louis speaks up

"Oh no. The door is locked. We might as well leave, right Belle?"

"Oh, right" Annabelle says.

Loud stomping sounds outside of my door

I roll my eyes, laughing at the charade happening

"They must be gone. Guess I'll unlock the door now" I move the doorknob, pretending to unlock it.

A few moments later, I hear two very heavy bodies slam into my door

"Hey, you lied!" Belle calls as Louis laughs uncontrollably.

"Ok, you win" Louis says at the end of his laughing fit.

"That's what I thought" I say, standing up to open my door.

"Now, what did we learn today?" I ask

Awaiting an answer, I crossed my arms.

"That you lose at tickle fights" Louis says before attacking me, holding me down as Belle grabbed my feet and began to tickle.

"Hey. . .Hey!" I laugh, trying to breathe as they both torment me with tickling.

"Ok, ok, ok!" I say, my face now red and my stomach in knots from the laughter.

"Seize fire" Louis says to Belle.

"Seizing" Belle holds up her hands.

"Now, what did we learn today?" Louis mocks me with my words

"That you are very untrustworthy and teach my daughter bad habits" I reply

"Eh, fair enough" Louis smiles, helping me up. "Well I better get going" Louis says, glancing at his watch.

"No!" Belle says "It's fun with you here" She says, grabbing Louis leg

"Hey now" I say "I'm fun"

"Duh" Belle says "It's just even more fun with Louis"

"Well thanks squirt" Louis bends down to Annabelle's height "Make sure to let me know if you find that treasure, ok? I'll come back soon" He ruffles her hair before standing up.

"Thanks for the sandwich and cookies" Louis says, giving me a hug. "See you soon"

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