Chapter Seven

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"Cleats. Where on earth are your cleats?" I say, flinging clothes out of Belle's closet in an attempt to find her soccer shoes.

"I don't know" Belle says behind me as she pulls her Jersey over her tiny body.

"Ah, here we are" I retrieve the shoes and toss them to Belle. "Do you need help tying those?" I ask

"Nope. I've got it" Annabelle begins shoving her foot inside the cleats "Snacks" Belle pips up

"What?" I ask

"The snacks"

"Oh, yeah-right" I pinch the bridge of my nose as I squint my eyes shut. "The snacks"

My feet shuffled quickly across my wooden floors.

I let out a deep sigh as I stand still in front of my fridge. It seems as if I never stop. Always keeping busy, never allowing time for a break for myself. I find myself zoning out, my memory taking me back to a time where all I had to worry about was what I was going to wear to school and what I was going to eat for dinner; A time where my back didn't hurt all the time and I had the time to watch my favorite shows, marathon style.

"Why are you staring at the fridge?" Belle's voice pulled me out of my trance

"Hmm?" I turn to my daughter, my eyes refocusing "Oh, I was just thinking" I smile

". . .Okay. . ." Belle says, sending a disapproving glance my way before climbing onto her chair in front of the kitchen counter "Orange please" She requests.

I reach In the fruit bowl and toss her the desired food.

I watch as her little fingers try to peel the stubborn orange peel. Those tiny little fingers that I wouldn't trade for all the rest in the world.


A handful of kids hyped up with excitement were running back and forth in the field, practicing kicking the soccer ball.

"Ok  Jase try kicking the ball, and not David's shins, ok?" Louis cups his hands together as he calls to the children.

Stubby little thumbs shoot up in the air as a response.

I take a seat in the old bleachers, setting the container of crackers, cheese, and juice boxes in front of me.

Belle remains stationary as she watched the other kids practice.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" I ask

Anabelle crosses her arms and looks towards the ground.

"Hey short one" Louis approaches us. "Do you want to join the team?"

"I don't know if I want to do it" Belle replies, tugging at her ponytail

"And why is that?" Louis squats down to her level

"I'm nervous"

Louis glances up at me "Ah" he says before returning his attention back to Belle. Louis digs into his pocket"You take this" he reaches for Belle's hand and opens it, placing a rubber band inside.

"What's this?" She asks with a scrunched nose

"It's my lucky rubber band" He replies "As long as you have that, you will have the best of luck"

A smile began creeping across her face "Thanks Louis"

I watch the exchange with a smile "Thank you" I mouth to him.

He replies with a quick nod

"Okay, now I want you to go out there and try your hardest" he gives her had a quick pat as he stands up.

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