Chapter 22

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"You really don't have to come with me" I tell Louis as I turn onto the appropriate street.

"I don't think you mean that considering the car is already moving and we are almost there" Louis replies "But even if you do, I don't like that he makes you uncomfortable, so I'm going"

I purse my lips in a nervous smile.

Somewhere between the beginning of my phone call with William yesterday, and the end of that phone call, I was roped into playing mini golf with my ex- husband, his new wife, and my daughter before I would be allowed to bring Belle back home with me.

"Besides, it'll be a good opportunity for me to kick his butt at a sport" He threw his fingers in air quotes.

"Here we are" I let out a loud sigh, creeping my car into the driveway as slowly as possible.

"Lace" Louis laughs "For the love of football, pull the car into the driveway"

"Fine" I murmur, pulling in the rest of the way. "Before anything goes down" I yank my keys out of the ignition "You brought this on yourself" I point accusingly at Louis before exiting the car.

I graze my finger over the doorbell, triggering an army of bells to sound.

William's wife, Savannah, appeared at the door. 

"Hello Lacie" She put a less than convincing smile on display.

MY eyes avert from her perfectly straight teeth to her perfectly curled hair, followed by her perfectly put together outfit.

"Hi Savannah" I reply.

Her gaze makes its way up and down my whole appearance before she opens the door a bit wider

"Come in"

I look down and give my old t-shirt a slight tug.

"You look beautiful." Louis whispered as if he was reading my mind, before taking my hand and guiding me into the house of impending doom.

"Mom! Louis!" Annabelle rushed to our side.

"Louis" I heard Savannah repeat to William.

"Yes" Will speaks up "Not very nice not to introduce yourself to the hosts now is it Louis" 

"My apologies" Louis speaks up "I was just waiting for the judgmental stares to end before I stated my name"

Savannah's jaw became seemingly unhinged as it dropped to the floor.

"Besides, you already know my name don't you" He smiles at Will.

I cover my mouth as I try not to laugh.

Belle's eyes raced back and forth between the four 'adults'.

"You didn't mention he was coming, lacie" William says, not breaking eye contact with Louis.

"Plans. . .changed" I reply.

"I think we should get going" Belle says, grabbing mine and Louis hands.


"Oh, I want pink!" Belle rushes over to the array of colored putters.

I stood with Belle as the rest of the adults got our score cards and golf balls.

"She always smells like smelly apple pie" Belle says offhandedly, twirling her golf club.

"What?" I ask

"Savannah" Annabelle utters "her perfume is supposed to be apple pie, but let me tell you, that pie is rotten" She leans her head forward as she speaks.

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