Chapter 21

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The day of the Fall school dance has sadly arrived.

I mumble under my breath words of distain towards Louis for signing us up to chaperone this event.

"It'll be fun" I mock his cockney accent as I slide on my earrings.

I observe my hair as I fluff my curls in front of the mirror. I fix a few stray hairs with my curling iron before yanking the plug out of the wall.

"Belle, are you ready?" I call down the hall, flicking off the bathroom light.

"I can't find my shoes" She calls from her room.

"What shoes do you want to wear?" I ask, joining her at her closet.

Annabelle whips around and quickly covers her mouth with her petite hand.

"What?" I ask

"Mommy" she giggled "You look beautiful".

I look down at my fitted black dress. The sleeves hugged the side of my shoulders and I couldn't help but feel proud of how I looked tonight.

"I haven't worn something like this in a long time, huh?" I scrunch my nose at my daughter.

"Definitely not" She shakes her head "Woah, look at the size of those heels!" Belle points to my black stilettos.

"Yeah I'm not too sure about my choice of shoes. Should I put something on a little less. . .fancy?" I ask, peering down at my shoes. "I'm chaperoning a school dance I'm probably way over dressed" I start to panic

"Mom, no" Belle rolls her eyes "Louis will really like them" A sly grin dances across her face. "Plus, you know how Anna's mom dresses up for these things. Just stand next to her and it will make you look a lot less fancy" She nods.

"Good idea" I smile "Are these the shoes you were looking for?" I hand her a pair of white dress shoes.

"Mhhm" she sings, sitting at the foot of her bed to slide the shoes on.

"You look so pretty, Annabelle" I smile, trying to keep my emotions captive.

"Oh don't get all sappy" Belle says, standing up right.

A knock sounds at the door and Belle rushes to let Louis inside.

"Do you like my dress?" Annabelle twirls around, showing off her powder blue dress.

"Oh I love it" Louis smiles "You look absolutely beautiful, Belle" he takes her hand and has her twirl around one more time.

Louis eyes wander away from Belle and land on me. "And you" Louis says, tugging on his fitted suit "Look way too good for me to show up at the dance with you" He laughs "Seriously Lacie. Wow."

My face starts to heat up and I can almost feel my cheeks turning pink.

"Stop it".

"I'm completely serious. No one is going to believe you and I are together" Louis scratches his scruff "I could just leave the windows open in the car and mess your hair up a bit. That might help."

"Don't you like her shoes?" Belle asks.

Louis looks down at my feet "How are you even walking in those?" His brows narrow "No way that can be comfortable."

"Beauty is pain" I sigh, taking hold of my daughters hand and heading to the car.


"Refill the punch, stat" Mrs. Anderson snapped in my direction.

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