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So I decided to delete patreon cause I realised I couldn't hit deadlines. My life is too busy right now but it is something I might start back up in the future. So here's a bonus mini chapter I had posted on there :) Enjoy!

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Lacie asks me for the millionth time

"Listen, I have junk food and movies. The kid will be fine" I assure her. "Now go" I place my hand on the small of her back, leading her to the door "Love you" I say, giving her a quick kiss. "You look beautiful. Have fun"

"If you need me just-"

"We won't" Belle and I say in unison, closing the door on Lacie.

"Finally" Anabelle says "Oh, I have something I need to show you" She says. Her small fingers wrap around mine as she leads me to the hall closet.

"What; are you going to lock me in here?" I ask, surveying the tiny space.

"No" Belle rolls her eyes "Look"

Anabelle digs through a pile of coats, revealing a small wooden crate.

"Oh so you're going to stick me in that"

"Louis, I'm five, not three. Sheesh. I'm not going to lock you in anything, I am basically your equal."

I raise my brow as the little girl spews out phrases some people my age do not know.

"Meet Bernie" Belle's eyes get wide and I back up as she slides the crate towards my feet.

"Uh, what? Who is Bernie? What is going to come out of that thing?" I take one more step back, unsure of whether I will need to grab Belle too.

"Oh don't be a scaredy cat" She lifts the bin and a large raccoon appears.

"OH" I say, dragging Belle away from the animal 

"Hey, stop it you're scaring Bernie" she says, trying to break free from my grip.

"What is that thing doing in here? How did you get that thing in here?" I ask.

"It's cold outside. Bernie was cold. I put him in my stroller and brought him inside" Belle shrugs.

"Your stroller?" I ask, my face involuntarily scrunching up. "How did your mom not see it?"

"It's name is Bernie"

"Right. Bernie." I look around for something to help me guide this animal outside.

I spot a broom in the back of the closet. Bernie gets spooked as I reach for the broom and he takes off.

"OH HEY" I back up quickly as the raccoon races towards the bedrooms.

"Bernie, get back here!" Annabelle attempts to run after the animal but my hand grips her shoulder.

"You're going to sit over on the couch" I tell her as I grab the broom.

Belle lets out a groan as she makes her way to the couch in the living room.

I begin making my decent down the hallway, holding the broom in front of me ". . .Bernie. . ." I call softly.

I hear the front door creak as it opens.

"Belle?" I turn around and am met with Lacie's confused expression.

"I forgot my wallet" She furrows her brows "What's with the broom?" she point to the weapon in my hand.

"Oh, uh-"

"He's trying to catch Bernie" Belle shouts from the living room.

"Bernie?" Lacie repeats.

"Yes, Bernie. . ." I say "The raccoon."

"A raccoon?!" Lacie's eyes double in size "Louis I leave for five minutes and you let a raccoon in my house??"

"Well actually" I hold my  free hand up "She let that thing in here while you were watching her

"Bernie" Belle's aggravation can be heard in her tone.

"Yes. Bernie came in here while you were watching her"

Our argument is cut off by the raccoon popping out of Annabelle's bedroom and sprinting towards us.

"SWEET BABY JESUS" I yell, grabbing Lacie and racing for the couch.

"Get that thing out of my house!" Lace yells, jumping up on the furniture

"Oh yea! Hadn't thought we might want it out of the house. Maybe I'll try that approach!" I yell back, gripping my broom tighter.

I move to the sliding glass doors. A cool breeze pushes into the room as I open the door.

I tactically move behind the raccoon.

I raise the broom then hit it against the ground, spooking Bernie with the loud thud. He speeds away, taking his exit through the door.

Quickly, I slid the door shut.

I turn to Anabelle and Lacie, who are both standing on the couch.

"Well. . ." I chuckle "That was enough fun for one evening"

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