Chapter 20

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"Wait, so you're telling me you both said I love you?" Liam leans into my kitchen counter.

I continue to chop carrots for the beef stew "Yep".

"Did not see that coming." Liam says "Well, from you. I could see that coming from him a mile away before the whole fiasco happened. I bet you feel straight awful now that you know that. . .well, you know" Liam scratches the scruff on his chin.

" I don't think I will ever not feel bad about that" I shake my head, dropping a handful of vegetables into my crockpot.

"Rightfully so" Liam nods "So what happened after the whole 'I love you' thing?"

I stand still, trying to recollect "Nothing" I shrug "I picked Belle up from the café and we came back here and just talked about life"

"And I'm guessing the reason you're making such a fancy dinner is because he is making an appearance here again for supper."

"Yup" I reply "If you consider beef stew in a crockpot fancy".

"For you, it is."

"Hey now" I say, pretending to throw my uncut vegetable at him "I would actually throw it but I dropped a couple of these earlier so I need it. You're not worth my carrot" I tip my nose upward.

"Well that's quite rude now, don't ya think?" Liam retorts "I am after all the one who pushed you two together"

"Mhhhm" I rolled my eyes.

"Well I can't really take the credit. It would've happened eventually. That boy was going to make you his one way or another. He maybe would've even considered aggravated assault. . .Or murder" He raises his brows.

I furrow my brow back at him "What are you talking about, weirdo" I no longer care for the amount of carrots I have in my stew and throw a chunk at him. "Stay off the drugs"

"Louis is here, Louis is here, Louis is here!" Belle scampered to the kitchen "I saw his car drive in I was waiting at your window" She crams her words together "And I found some chocolate in your drawer. You might want a new hiding spot. The drawer is too predictable" Annabelle wipes off the remnants of my snickers bar off her face, transferring it to her shirt sleeve.

Belle swings the door open as Louis steps on the front porch.

"Why hello there" Louis smiles, crouching down to Belle's height "I brought you something" I hear him say,

I step out from the kitchen and into the entryway to see the exchange between the two.

Louis hands Annabelle a single purple lily.

Her eyes widened as she swings around towards me. Her toothy smile says it all.

"Thank you Louis" She said quietly, giving him a tight hug.

"You're welcome squirt" He squeezes her back before walking over to me "And for you, madam" He hands me a fresh red lily. A small piece of paper is tied to the stem with a yellow ribbon.

"Thank you" I smirk, freeing the note from the silky ribbon.

To your beauty, this lily does not compare. But this was the prettiest one there so it will do

I chuckle lightly "You're cute" I say.

Louis reveals a smirk before speaking "Yeah I'm aware"


"No, he is totally the bad guy" Liam says, pointing to the man on the TV wearing a much too brightly colored suit.

"Nu uh" I shake my head "It would be way too obvious if they made him the bad guy."

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