Chapter 5

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I sit in my living room recliner with my arms folded, and my eyes glaring straight through Liam.

"If looks could kill" Liam spoke up

"You'd be dead" I finish

"Um, no" Liam shook his head "I'd still be alive because your glares are about as effective as a small Pandas"

I exhale loudly to show my disapproval

"Go get ready we have to be at the diner in a half hour. You don't want to make Louis wait" He pointed his finger towards my face.

"Maybe I do want to make him wait" I retort "Actually, why don't you go by yourself. You seem to be very eager to have dinner with him"

"Hey now" Liam says "Tone down the sass"

"Sorry" I purse my lips "I just know he doesn't actually want to eat with us. He's probably trying to think of a way out of this hostage situation we have put him in"

"Excuse me but you may not address royalty like that" Belle walks into the living room with a tea cup held in her small hands and sits on the couch with Liam. "Peasants these days" She sighs.

"Rough day in the kingdom?" I ask

"Yup" She nods "I'm hungry" Belle adds

"Me too" Liam says "Your mom is being a stubborn peasant and won't get ready"

"Mommy" Belle tips her head "Come on. Lets go" Annabelle slids off of the couch and takes my hand "Lets go get ready so I can eat some chicken. Or waffles" She goes on as we make our way to my bedroom "Maybe I'll eat chicken and waffles. Oh that sounds good"


I see Louis waiting on a bench outside of the Bluehill Family dinner as Liam pulls into the parking lot. He has that journal in his hands again.

"He always has that thing" I tell Liam as we get out of the car

"What thing?" He asks, giving Anabelle a hand as she steps out of the vehicle

"The journal" I point to the book louis is writing in

"Hm" Liam shrugs.

The three of us walk up to Louis, Belle running up to say hello first

"Hey there" Louis looks up with a smile as Belle quickly approaches him


"Are you ready for some delicious food?" Liam smiles

"Absolutely" Louis nods

I can feel the awkward oozing from all directions as we walk inside and find a booth. 

Belle slides into her favorite booth and I sit down next to her; Louis sits across from me and Liam squeezes in next to him.

"What do you suggest?" Louis asks as he breaks open a menu.

"Pancakes!" Belle says

"I thought you were getting waffles?" I turn to Anabelle

"You should know I always get pancakes" She sends a dissatisfied look my way "It would be a crime to order anything else here"

"It's decided then" Louis nods "Pancakes it is"

No conversation was being had while we waited for our food. Just glances and small smiles being exchanged as we sipped on our drinks. Belle was the only one conversing, mostly with herself.

"Purple hair, purple shoes" She utters as she continues to color her menu

"Cheeseburger with no mustard" The tiny waitress holds up a plate

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