Chapter 25

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My dress shoes click harshly against my wooden floor as I pace back and forth. 

"How dare he" I take the clip that had held my hair up at work all day and tousle my mane with my fingers.

"He really just tossed his keys at you and left?" Liam leaned against my kitchen counter.

"Basically threw them at my face" I reply "I mean, I get that I was a little moody, but-"

"Ok, more than a little moody" Liam adds.

"Okay. More  than a little moody" I agree "But still"

"No excuse for that behavior for sure" Liam tightens his lips together before popping them back open "And you haven't heard from him?"

"No" I say firmly "And I still have his car in my driveway" I point my finger outside of my kitchen window to point out Louis sporty car sitting stagnant next to mine.

"I was going to ask about that" Liam says. "How is he even getting around without hi-"

Liam's words we stopped short by the front door being flung open.

Louis walks over to my closet, shuffling things around before pulling out my winter coat.

He saunters over to me, putting the coat on my arms 

"I can do that myself, thank you" I rip my arm from him and finish putting on my coat.

Both of our expressions stay cold. But in our eyes you could see a hope of resolution from our dispute.

"Let's go talk" He says.

I nod and follow him out the back sliding door.

We stay silent as we walk to the picnic table in my backyard.

We take our seats on opposite sides of the table.

"Here for your keys?" I ask

"Lacie" Louis transfers pity from his eyes to mine.

"Sorry" I say quietly.

"Listen" He says "I am sorry for the way I acted the other night. Really, I am" Louis gestures for my hand and I extend it towards him. "That was no way to act and I apologize. But you can't do that."

"Do what?" I respond. I ready myself to remove my hand from his grip.

"Have things bother you. . .Or have whatever was going on that night and just shut me out. You wouldn't talk about it and it was obviously affecting you. I can't have you shut me out when things happen. Please."

I silently nod.

"I'm sorry" Louis says.

"Me too."

We exchange relieved smiles.


"Hm?" his eyebrows raise with the sound

"What did you have to talk to me about that night?" I ask.

"It's not important" He smiles "We will talk about it at a later time. Let's head inside, your cheeks are red" 

Louis keeps hold of my hand as we stand up then lets go to interlock our arms.

"Hot chocolate?" Louis asks

"Mmm" I nod.

Both of our focus shift to the house as we see Liam and Belle scattering away from the sliding glass door.

Liam almost loses his balances but catches himself before running away from the door.

"Thought they'd get a show, huh?" Louis chuckles.

Louis slides the door the rest of the way open, revealing Liam and Belle seated on the couch, books covering both of their faces.

"Ahem" I say.

"Oh, you're back from your talk already?" Belle peers over her book.

"Oh hey guys" Liam lowers the book to his lap. "How'd your little talk go?"

I roll my eyes before heading over to the kitchen "Who wants some hot chocolate?" I stand on my tiptoes to reach the tin of coa coa in my cupboard.

"I thought we'd go to Bluehill diner and get some there while we grab some dinner" Louis says 

"I like the sound of that" I nod


The four of us huddle into the diner, the smell of maple syrup hitting us as soon as the door swings open.

"Pancakes" Louis says.

"Pancakes" Belle nods.

"Pancakes and hot chocolate. Getting all our nutritional needs in one stop" I say, walking us to our favorite back booth.

I spot Kathy wiping up a mess behind the counter as we slide into our seats.

"Hi Kathy" I smile, sending her a wave.

"Hey sweetheart!" Kathy tosses her towel aside and makes her way over to our table. "It's good to see all of you" She says.

"What brings you to the diner?" Liam asks.

"The café is having some plumbing issues that has our kitchen all backed up" She throws her hands up in the air "I figured I'd give myself something to do and help out here" She holds her smile. "What can I get you guys?"

"Pancakes and hot chocolate. For all of us!" Belle says.

"Plain?" Kathy checks.

We all nod 

"Alrighty. Coming right up"

Louis unwraps the crayons and challenges Belle to a game of connect the dots.

Liam looks across the table at me and shoots me surveying glance, in return I send him my Everything is A-Okay smile.

He smiles back and gives a quick nod.

"You look beautiful today by the way" Louis interrupts his game to press his lips against the back of my hand.

"Oh gross" Belle says.

"Oh you think that's gross?" Louis asks "How about this?" Louis begins to attack my cheek with his lips.

I burst out with laughter and Annabelle soon follows.

"Louis, stop it!" I continue to laugh, pushing Louis softly.

The pancakes were delivered to us shortly and we all began to dig in.

"No!" Louis says, losing another point to Belle in their game of connect the dots.

"Take that you English man" she retorts, shoving more pancakes into her mouth.

My cheeks hurt from smiling by this point. Liam, Louis, and Annabelle's chatter turned into mumbles. I no longer am listening to their words but observing the happiness on their faces and taking in the happiness I feel in myself. I wish to freeze this moment in time. To capture this moment and place it in a small bottle form which it can't escape.

I never want this feeling to leave.

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