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A strong stench of dried-up grass, a mixture of dirt and soil, the sound of wood creaking about...

Where am I?

His ears were ringing and his head was pounding painfully.

I want to throw up...

The boy opens his eyes, seeing nothing but the darkness around him. He's inside somewhere but he couldn't see much. He could barely make sense of his surroundings and as soon as he stood up, he felt the dizziness.

He sees a slit of light to the side in front of him and tries to reach for it.

A door?

He pushes open the door and as soon as he does, the night chills breeze across him, sending an uneasy chill down his spine.

"What the f... where am I?" he thought aloud. He turns back to see what he came out from, which looked like a tiny shack at the back of a large open field. But how did he get there?

His head started to throb again while he tried to digest the situation.

Okay, calm down Han Jisung. Think. What happened and how did you get here? The last thing I remember doing was...

He remembers. And it wasn't a good memory.

"Fucking Hwang Hyunjin! He didn't have to push me down- wait..." a thought triggered.

I'm not dead or something, am I? he gulps nervously as he starts to come to a realization.

But the afterlife looked too real and strange as if he got transported to somewhere unknown.

It didn't look like either heaven or hell. In fact, it looked just like any countryside from back home.

After a brief moment, Jisung finally decided to look around. He had nothing on him and he was dressed in a rather strange attire. Rather than his school uniform, he was wearing a navy-blue top that resembles a hanbok, a little shorter though, with a sash tied around his waist, and his pants were a little loose which made it easy to walk around. But aside from his clothes, he had nothing else, not even a loose change. He felt as if he time-travelled somehow, but nothing really made sense. What happened to his school uniform?

Haha... rather than dead, it looks more like I got mugged... he tries to joke around to comfort himself in this strange situation.

The more he thought about it, the stranger he thought the situation was. He walked far from the shack he woke up from and saw a small village in the distance. As he got closer, the village looked more like it came out of a historical Korean TV drama rather than modern times. And that's when a small denial clicked him.

No... it can't be. Things like this only happen in dramas, not real life, right? I didn't like... time travel or something after I died, did I? Did I get 'isekai-ed'? Jisung thought about all the anime he's been watching lately.

Did that influence this dream-like feeling he was getting?

Haha... no way, can't be, right? He laughed nervously to himself like a fool.

Jisung started to get more worried as he got closer to a village in the distance.

It was eerie and quiet throughout the village and the night was cold. Not a single soul was around, leaving Jisung standing in the middle of the dirt road alone in fear. He tries to find someone for help but all the doors were shut and not a single light was lit.

"Hello? Is anyone around?" Jisung called out but in a rather quiet voice due to fear and cowardice.

No response. Human or ghost, all had already gone to bed.

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now