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The tunnels felt endless as both Hyunjin and Jisung continued following through the icy path. Icicles were dangling from above, occasionally the shaking inside of the tunnels would cause them to shake and fall around the two of them. It was dangerous and the place was freezing.

If we weren't busy walking around these caves, I think we would have frozen to death by now, Jisung thought as he followed next to Hyunjin closely.

His legs were still in pain but it could be because of the sheer cold that he felt too numb to even feel anything in his legs. But aside from him, he was more worried about his roommate's injury.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked Hyunjin.

"Don't worry. The bleeding has already stopped," Hyunjin replied as he bent down slightly to show the shorter one his wound.

"I really hope the others are okay," Jisung sighed as he couldn't stop worrying.

"You said that several times already. You're such a worrywart, aren't you?"

"I guess I am. But aren't you worried?"

"I am. But I trust that Changbin-hyung would be able to make his way out of this. Nothing can kill him. Did he ever tell you that one time we were facing a giant scorpion and he got pierced right into the stomach? He was lucky that it missed the majority of his vital organs but the scorpion was highly poisonous and everyone thought he'd die. But endured through it until our Eastern sector found a cure just in time to keep him alive."

"Wow, I never knew that."

"It didn't take him long to start getting up and moving as if nothing happened. Sometimes we joke around HQ and say that Changbin-hyung is just immortal at this point. Nothing can kill him," Hyunjin chuckled.

"I can imagine that. By the way, what does the Eastern sector do? I know that they're a bunch of researchers and I have used some of their inventions before during the past few missions. Like during my very first mission with you and Chan-hyung, and we used that nasty stinky perfume to cover our scents."

"Ugh, don't remind me of that time."

"So, you were affected by it! Chan-hyung and I thought you were so strong that you weren't affected by it at all."

"Who wouldn't? It was horrid. But yes, the Eastern sector is very much a research facility at HQ. A majority of their members stay inside their facility all day and rarely come out. Therefore, you might not have met many of them. However, thanks to that, they have been developing more and more things to assist us in our hunts. The Subsolanus researchers are both scientifically and technologically advanced in their research. Aside from medical cures, they also excel in designing weapons. A majority of our weapons were created by those in the Eastern sector."

Jisung imagined a bunch of geeky-looking Hunters with thick glasses on, who would trap themselves in the labs all day for research. A very stereotypical image for them but it made him laugh just thinking about it.

"I wish they'd make a weapon for me soon," Jisung commented.

"What kind of weapon do you want?" Hyunjin asked curiously.

"Well, as cool as Chan-hyung's weapon is, there's no way I can wield something so enormous. I want something light, easy to carry around, and maybe only use it for defence. I don't want to go to the frontline," Jisung said.

Jisung was well aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and he has also imagined wielding some sort of weapon for a while now since he was surrounded by so many talented Hunters.

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