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The day of the school festival finally arrived. And the school was crowded with many friends and family of the students who came to visit. Despite being an all-boys school, this school in particular was well known for its lively and exciting school festivals and events. So, everyone wanted to be a part of the experience.

I just need to get through today, Jisung told himself as he looked at the mirror of the washroom. He was all dressed up from top to bottom with his costume, getting ready for the Beauty Contest which would begin in a few hours.

He could hear the commotion outside from in and out of the school grounds. Many people came to join the festivity and were also looking forward to the Beauty Contest which should be filled with joy and laughter.

However, as Jisung continued to imagine the numerous pairs of eyes that would be looking at him during the Beauty Contest, it made him very anxious.

Glad mom and dad couldn't make it. I can't let them see me in this state and worry for me.

And as much as he told himself that it would be okay, he couldn't stop his heart from rapidly beating from nervousness.

Suddenly, someone opened the doors to the washroom.

Jisung jumped on the spot and tried to gather all his things, ready to make a run for it when the person happened to be Hyunjin.

"Ugh," Jisung grumbled in dismay and tried to avert his eyes from Hyunjin no matter how beautiful the other's costume was.

"Who's the one with a shitty attitude now?" Hyunjin commented and noticed Jisung antagonizing him as usual.

"You!" Jisung talked back immediately. "Just you wait! Felix will definitely win the contest."

"Felix? Who's that?"

"You don't know?!"

"Why should I? Also, why are you using someone else's name to threaten me? Aren't you also entering the contest yourself? Shouldn't you try to win instead? Unless... you know there's no way you'd win," Hyunjin scoffed.

"I can totally win if I want to! I just think it's better to give you guys a ch-"

Suddenly, Jisung felt a stab of pain in his stomach. The nervousness hadn't subsided.

"Hey, you okay?" Hyunjin noticed Jisung suddenly stopped shouting.

"Mind your own business. Bye!" Jisung shoved Hyunjin out of the way as he made his escape.

There's no way I'll let him know, Jisung was unusually stubborn whenever it came to going face-to-face with Hyunjin.

Seungmin always told Jisung and Hyunjin to play nice since one was his childhood friend and the other was his classmate. It was obvious that these petty fights between the two people could be resolved but they were both alike when it came to stubbornness that even Seungmin would sigh in defeat trying to make them stop bickering.

Why does that guy always piss me off so much? Even Jisung didn't know why.

He continued to storm through the hallway angrily until someone called out to him.

"There he is!" a loud voice roared across the school. It was Changbin along with Chan and Minho.

"Hyung!" Jisung suddenly felt as if he had forgotten all his nervousness the moment he saw some familiar and reliable faces. "Minho-hyung, you came too?"

"Of course," Minho gleamed a smile towards Jisung, a smile that was rare for other people. "You look cute today."

"Ah!" Jisung remembered that he was still in his red-riding hood costume and became very embarrassed to appear like this in front of the three older boys. "Don't stare so much... I beg you guys."

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now