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Separated from Hyunjin, Jisung grew anxious as he worried for his friend's life. Although Hyunjin is a capable Hunter, Jisung worries that the monster they just met might be more dangerous than it seems.

"Stop panicking, would you? You're affecting me," Minho told him.

"I-... sorry," Jisung apologized.

Dammit, and of all people, I'm stuck here with this Minho, Jisung hated it.

The two of them ran around the corridors to try and circle back to where they came from, but the corridors didn't seem to connect and it felt as if they were getting further and further from where they came from.

Unlike Chan, who had a giant cleaver as a weapon of choice, and power that can break through layers and layers of walls, Minho had a long pistol. It was light, fast and was good for long-distance battle. His fighting style was suitable for a Strategic Hunter rather than one who specialized in combat like Chan or Hyunjin.

And not knowing what is going on as well as powerless to do much, Jisung could only follow Minho closely so that neither of them would get separated.

However, as the two of them ran down the corridors, Jisung found his stamina depleting from the intense workout. He was never good with physical exercises like these and though he was training with Chan from time to time, he mostly spent his time in front of the simulations generator or in the archives of the library.

"One second, can I please just... take a breather?" Jisung knew that they were in a hurry, but he felt as if his lungs were in flames and could explode any moment if he ran any longer.

"Fine, make it quick," Minho said.

There was silence the moment they stopped in their tracks and Jisung's heavy breathing filled the corridor, and echoed back at them.

"H-how are you not tired?" Jisung noticed Minho barely breaking a sweat.

"This is expected from a Hunter. You're just weak," Minho said.


I hate it when he's not wrong, Jisung kept that opinion to himself.

"It seems that you've grown close to Hyunjin," Minho suddenly said.

"Hmm? Uh, yeah of course. He's my roommate after all," Jisung responded but still trying to balance his breathing.

And you're the only one that seems impossible to get close to, Jisung thought.

"You're the one who got Hyunjin back on his feet it seems," Minho continued.

"I didn't do anything. We just talked. That's all."


Minho continued the silence which was starting to irritate Jisung.

"Ugh! I can't take this anymore!" Jisung finally grew impatient. "I hate this!"

"What?" Minho was taken back from Jisung's sudden uproar.

"What did I do wrong? Why are you always like this to me and me only?!" Jisung emphasized. "I don't expect to be buddy-buddy with you or anything but I swear you treat me like air. No, even air gets more appreciation. You treat me worse than air! What did I do to get on your nerves so much? I can't change if you don't tell me!"

"..." Minho continued, which ticked Jisung off even more.

"Dammit, just say it!" Jisung punched the wall next to Minho, only lightly to not hurt himself, but a thud was loud enough to be heard. He was clearly upset.

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now