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Ending up in another world, an extremely bizarre one to boot and on top of that, faking your own identity. Telling people that you've lost your memories and all that crap in between... In most crazy situations of a typical Korean drama, you'd find yourself covering one lie with another when you think you're finally caught. It's like an incurable chronic illness at this point.

At other times, when the villain comes after the protagonist and catches them lying, a hero would come flying in in a cliché fashion and saving the damsel in distress.

"Is your name even Han Jisung? You clearly remember your name, so how do you know you've lost your memories?" Changbin persistently interrogated Jisung and was clearly not taking silence for an answer. "Well? Spill it already."

Do I make something up? Even if I'm good at improvising, I don't think I can fool Changbin-hyung... I mean, he's not exactly the same hyung I know but... UGH!! Jisung's brain was about to explode.

"My name is Han Jisung. It's my real name!" Jisung started to push back and raised his voice finally.

You know what? Screw it! No Prince Charming is going to come and save me this time! Fuck it!

"I am Han Jisung, age 17 so I'm a year younger than you. I was born in South Korea and lived in Malaysia for several years with my mother, father and younger brother," Jisung suddenly starts to blurt out.

"South Korea? Malaysia? What?" Changbin was stunned that the younger boy didn't deny it and even said some confusing things. How unexpected.

"You're right. I don't have memory loss. I remember my friends and my family very clearly but for some reason, I ended up here of all places! In this world of yours! Then I get attacked by a monster and nearly died. And I don't even know why!" Jisung felt a surge of tears rushing out from him, both frustrated but also relieved at the same time to finally be able to come out and say it.

"W-wait, calm down," Changbin was at a lost and completely flustered for making the younger boy cry suddenly.

"And I also recognized you immediately because we're-" Jisung sniffed his nose so hard that it made a disgusting sound as he continued to pour a waterfall of tears right in front of Changbin. "We're 3Racha! You, me and Chan-hyuuuuung!"

Jisung cried so much that Changbin had a dumb expression on the entire time as he found the younger blurting out more than he had hoped for. If anyone was to pass by now, they would definitely think that the older one is bullying the poor younger boy without a memory.

"Okay, okay! Calm down first. What are you talking about? 3Racha? What's that?" Changbin pulled Jisung down on his chair, patted the boy on the back and frantically went to grab tissues for him.

It took almost twenty full minutes for Jisung to finally calm down and Changbin to collect what just happened.

"So, you're really not from our world?" Changbin asked more calmly this time to avoid another breakdown from Jisung.

Jisung nodded.

"How did you end up here? Any ideas?" he continued to ask.

Jisung shook his head this time.

"I suddenly woke up in a dark shack and was saved by Chan-hyung and Minho-hyung. I was so surprised because I really thought we were in some sort of historical drama but instead, I just got isekai here to your world," Jisung finally spoke.

"Ise-what? Nevermind. So, you said that you recognized me and Chan-hyung. What do you mean by that?"

"Not just you and Chan-hyung. There's also Kim Seungmin, Minho-hyung and Hyunjin. All of you guys exist in my world too. But your personalities are both alike and different at the same time. That's why I got really scared and confused in the beginning. I didn't know where I was and how I got here, except that I knew I needed to follow Chan-hyung back here to Hunter's Society to stay safe. I'd be killed by those monsters immediately if I didn't!"

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now