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Through several study sessions at Seungmin's place, the three of them grew closer. Especially when it came to Jisung and Hyunjin. The two of them no longer held back whether it was their hysterical laughter or petty bickering. Seungmin usually just leaves the two alone in their own world.

"HaAaha!" Hyunjin's laugh was high-pitched and crazy. He almost hit himself on the back of the head as he had the tendency to lean backwards whenever he cracked up.

"The neighbours are gonna complain because you two are too loud again," Seungmin sighed.

"They won't anymore. They like this guy's face too much. You should've seen the ahjumma drooling over him last time we opened the door. She was furiously banging on the door at first but when Hyunjin went to get the door, gosh her face was like right out of a drama! Completely Star-struck!" Jisung started to tease as he chuckled at the thought. "As expected of the Prince."

"What did you say~?" Hyunjin leaned over the table and pinched Jisung's chubby cheeks as a punishment.

But the pinch was not painful, it was just a slight tingle. The usual playful antics between the two.

Hyunjin also doesn't get angry whenever Jisung calls him a "Prince", either. He knows well that Jisung had no ill intentions with the name-calling. Every petty fight they had would be easily forgiven and turned into a joke. Hyunjin was the easiest to please as long as you had his favourite gummy snacks so Jisung always had some sort of snack in his bag just in case.

"How are your cheeks so puffy?" Hyunjin poked Jisung's cheeks again during dinner. "Did you put some sort of elastic in them or something?"

"Stop playing with my cheeks! Let me eat in peace," Jisung complained and glared up at his friend. "Also, stop staring at me eat..."

"So fascinating," Hyunjin continued to wonder. "Just like a squirrel!"

"So, it's the Prince and the Squirrel, now. Huh," Seungmin mocked the two of them, completely disgusted with the two horsing around and ignoring him.

"Ya!" both of them said at the same time.

All these times together, Jisung learned a lot about Hyunjin. The ice-cold Prince was not as 'cold' as people made him out to be. In fact, Hyunjin simply took longer to warm up to strangers, especially those who don't really try to understand him for who he is. He doesn't put up a fake front to make friends, he doesn't care to please others and is simply someone who is honest with himself. That's how he and Seungmin became friends in the first place. 

Seungmin pleases no one. He was a 'nice' guy but he was no people-pleaser. He was honest and direct, he saw through Hyunjin immediately after they became neighbours. So, it was no wonder that the two became really good friends. Now there's Jisung too. And once Hyunjin becomes comfortable with someone, he would be even open up about his feelings, his ideals, and the things he wants to achieve.

For example, one of Hyunjin's dreams is to eventually open his own art exhibition.

Hyunjin's art is always so interesting, so beautiful, and full of memories, Jisung thought as he thought about his own music. Like he's telling a story or something. It's hard to believe that those are just dreams and fantasies of his own.

"Did you finish your career plan assignment? It's due next week," Hyunjin reminded Jisung that evening while the two were sleeping in the living room of Seungmin's place.

"..." Jisung felt ashamed to respond.

"Seriously, you..." Hyunjin rolled over from the couch and stared at Jisung who was sleeping on the floor next to him. "I thought you wanted to do music. So, why not just write that down? Even your parents are supportive of that. You said your dad used to be a musician, right?"

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