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Several months ago...

Knock. Knock.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Hyunjin walked into the Director's office.

"Come in. Take a seat," the Director greeted him and poured Hyunjin a cup of tea.

"Thank you," Hyunjin said. He has always been amazed at the Director's polite manners despite how intimidating the man, Park Jiyoung, may look on the outside.

"How long have you been a Rank A Hunter?" The Director asked.

"For two years now, sir."

"You've grown a lot since you came to the Hunter's Society, haven't you? You're even taller than Chan now, haha."

"Please don't let Chan-hyung hear that. He's more sensitive about his height than he lets on. Just recently during our health check-up, he was so disappointed that he didn't grow even a centimetre compared to last year," Hyunjin held back his chuckle.

"Well, he makes up for it with his sheer power. Him and Minho have been doing very well both as partners and as Rank S Platoon leaders."

"I agree. I respect the both of them greatly," Hyunjin couldn't deny it.

"So, what do you think about leading a platoon yourself?"

"Huh? What?" Hyunjin was surprised. "Me?"

"You've been around for a long time, and you know the other Hunters very well. You're observant and agile, sensitive to those around you yet tactical. I think we can use a platoon leader like you."

"I would love to lead a platoon, sir!"

Hyunjin didn't expect such high praise from the Director himself and despite his poker face, he was up in the clouds from the compliment.

Hyunjin returned to his room to start packing up immediately, he looked over the file that was handed to him which contained their objectives for this next mission as well as the members who he will be responsible to lead. He had to prove that he was worthy of becoming a Rank S Hunter.

"The mission is only ranked A? Not as high as I thought. But then again, I'm not officially a Rank S Hunter yet so I guess that's a given," Hyunjin sat down to take a break to study the case. "Ten members from HQ and another eight will be joining us in Base Baekho down south."

I wonder what they're like. I heard that their training is rigorous and much more strict compared to us. Let's see... who's on my team?

"Yang JeongIn?"

A name he vaguely recalls. Is he the one that Seungmin keeps talking about?

Hyunjin wasn't very familiar with the other Hunters of the other sections aside from Seungmin and Minho, so he didn't know some of the members' personalities and abilities.

Wait, why is this JeongIn in a Rank A mission? He's only a Rank C, isn't he? Is he special or something?

Hyunjin continued to study throughout the night, he learned about the areas his mission will be taken place and the list of responsibilities he will be in charge of.

"Good morning," Hyunjin gathered at the gates, to meet up with the other Hunters before setting off. "My name is Hwang Hyunjin, from the Northern sector. I'll be in charge of this platoon today and I hope everyone can cooperate regardless of whether you know me or not."

Hyunjin skimmed around the crowd of Hunters, seemingly short on someone. Which slightly irritated him but he tried to remain calm before jumping into strict mode.

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now