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The drive continued as Changbin took the wheel since Hyunjin was still recovering. But Jisung found himself having a hard time looking at Hyunjin directly in the face after their warm embrace.

Thump. Thump.

Shut up, stupid heart! Jisung quietly shouted to himself in the back seat. Why do I have to sit in the back too with Hyunjin? Changbin-hyung totally did it on purpose!

Jisung glared at the driver in the front, knowing well that Changbin was probably snickering behind the wheels as the older peaked to the back from the rearview mirror.

Just in case Hyunjin needs assistance, he says. Just in case my ass! He is totally enjoying this!

Jisung glanced at Hyunjin again who seemed to finally look more stable now after a full day of rest. Changbin also made sure to be careful with the driving since the bumpy roads could make it hard on Hyunjin's wounds.

"Um, how are you feeling?" Jisung tried to get rid of the awkwardness by striking a 'normal' conversation.

"I'm doing okay now. Thanks," Hyunjin said with a slight smile.

Dammit! Even that smile is going to ruin me! Jisung mentally slapped himself in the head like a manhwa character.

"You don't need to worry about me too much. I know you're sleepy. You can shut your eyes for a minute and get some rest," Hyunjin said caringly. "We'll wake you up when we reach the next gas station. Changbin-hyung, the desert is just after the gas station, right?"

"Yup!" Changbin said ecstatically.


Jisung quietly listened and closed his eyes but just imagining all the cliche possibilities of falling asleep next to the very person who has made him all flustered, kept him a little more awake than he hoped to.

Don't fall asleep on his shoulders. Don't fall asleep on his shoulders, he told himself multiple times until he finally fell asleep.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Jisung was just as exhausted as everyone else.

* * *

"Wake up," he heard a voice. "Com'on Han Jisung, you're drooling all over me. Next period is going to start."

The voice nudged the small boy slightly with his shoulders and Jisung finally woke up.

"Sheesh, how late did you stay up playing games all night?" The voice asked him as Jisung opened his eyes with a blur.

Jisung rubbed his eyes to clear up his vision and saw his best friend in front of him.

"Hyunjin?" Jisung asked, still half asleep.

Hyunjin looked at him with a sigh and grabbed the cuff of his sleeves to wipe Jisung's drool from the corner of his friend's mouth.

"Disgusting," Hyunjin said with a comedic accent. He was annoyed but still playful.

"Hehe~" Jisung chuckled and finally felt more awake.

"You didn't stay at the PC bang all night with Felix again, did you?" Hyunjin asked as he lay against the wall and looked up at the clear sky.

Jisung let out a big stretch as he gathered his lunchbox back into the bag. He noticed everything was already neatly packed so he knew it was his friend's doing again.

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now