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The first year of high school went by rather quickly. Jisung finished his exams safely and passed them by a hair so he didn't have to take extra classes to make up for it but he heard from his other classmates that this was the beginning of exam hell. The second year would be the year he would have to really think about his future, university and career ahead before they finish the school year. He didn't want to think about it because he wasn't so sure what to do exactly for his future.

Music? Producing? Something creative...

He wasn't going to let this uncertainty get to him at first but on the first day of school, he couldn't help but show his dismay as he looked up at the class assignment. He was completely separated from all of his friends from the first year, and Seungmin was in a completely different classroom this time.

"Why!?" Jisung exclaimed to Seungmin.

"It can't be helped. At least, it'll be quieter for me," Seungmin told him.

"What?! Won't you miss me? Just a little?" Jisung frowned.

"Well, now you got Hyunjin."

"Ugh... don't even remind me."

Although Jisung doesn't really pick fights too much with Hyunjin anymore since the school festival, the two are still awkward with one another. And in class, they had their own separate group of friends, but Jisung couldn't help but glance over at Hyunjin from time to time. Although nothing else happened after the school festival, Jisung still hasn't thanked Hyunjin for staying behind with him.

Dammit, Han Jisung, just say it. One 'thank you' doesn't hurt, does it? At times, Jisung hates this cowardly side of himself.

"Jisung-ah, can I borrow that game you mentioned last time?" one of his classmates ran over to ask.

"Sure! Remind me after class and I'll bring it tomorrow," Jisung said happily.

"Hey, Jisung. Think you can grab a copy of the homework for me later? I have to head off to clubs earlier," another would ask.


Jisung became the 'go-to' person for many things as he tried to be friends with his new set of classmates. It was hard for him to say 'no' so he never did.

Han Jisung, the people pleaser, he thought to himself.

"Aren't you tired of that bullshit?" Hyunjin suddenly asked him one day.

"Huh?" Jisung was confused that Hyunjin would talk to him.

"Pretending to be everyone's friend and faking a smile."

"What?" Jisung got annoyed. "It's none of your business."

Jisung hated it. Because Hyunjin was right. It was like the other poked at the one thing he didn't want anyone to find out but Hyunjin was good at sensing it.

"Always trying to be friends with everyone. Is that really what you want?" Hyunjin asked him again.


I'm not you. I also want to be colder to people but then... they'll leave me. I'll be alone.

And it's already too late for that now.

"Easy for you to say," Jisung couldn't say everything in his mind. "I'm not like you. You're popular because you're good-looking. As expected of the Prince."


Hyunjin slammed on the desk harshly and glared at him.

"Don't call me that," he said to Jisung in a threatening tone that made Jisung flinch.

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now