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Knock. Knock.

"Come in," the man said as he got up from his seat and waited for the two young Hunters to enter the room.

"Sorry for the last minute notice, Director Park," Changbin came inside first.

Followed by a nervous Jisung who hid closely behind so that Changbin's broader shoulders would hide his small figure.

"No problem," the man said, "sit down first."


Was this the right thing to do? What if he thinks I'm lying? Crazy? Wait, where do they keep all the crazy people in this world?

Jisung couldn't believe how nervous he was becoming as he walked into the room.

A few days ago...

"What?!" Jisung gasped loudly.

"Shush!" Changbin clasped the boy's mouth shut immediately with his hands. "Do you want the entire HQ to hear you?"

"S-sorry," Jisung felt like his heart was going to jump out from his heart. "What do you mean the Director wants to see us? He knows? About me? About where I came from?"

"Well, blame my loud mouth that I kind of blurted it out to the Director the other day but I think we need to tell him everything from beginning to the end. We still haven't found anything from the archives despite searching through the database from the inside out. The best source we have now is the Director himself. When I was talking to him about what happened with Wooyoung, he seemed concerned."

"Does he remember your friend?"

"No. But he believed me."

"I see... but can we trust him? I mean..."

In dramas, people who always seem nice and powerful are the ones who'd backstab you in the end, Jisung thought.

"You're thinking that Director Park is scary and secretive, aren't you?" Changbin knew exactly the kind of expression on the boy's face.

"Can you blame me?" Jisung said innocently and frightened like a small hamster in Changbin's eyes.

"Pfft," Changbin found it hilarious. "Don't worry, if anything happens, I'll look after you and protect you! You can trust me!"


And it brought them here.

Changbin did most of the talking for Jisung while they were in the Director's office.

The Director's expression was unreadable and the three of them had very serious expressions on.

The tension was heavy, so heavy that Jisung found it even harder to take a breath.

After a while, the Director finally stood up and looked out into the distance through the windows.

"Hmm..." the man let out a quiet sound as he did some thinking.

Jisung didn't dare utter a word and subconsciously tugged onto Changbin's cuffs while they were glued to their seats and watched the man pace back and forth in thought.

"I guess this explains why we couldn't find anything on you, Han Jisung," the man finally spoke and sat back down. "Since Chan took you in, we tried our best to find your origins but there was no one by the name of Han Jisung, so we thought at first that maybe you misremembered your own name. However, when we looked all over for missing people's report and anyone who might resemble you, we found nothing as well."

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