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"Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin," Seungmin introduced the two to each other but neither greeted the other back.

Hyunjin completely ignored Jisung and that annoyed Jisung even more. He simply pretended that Seungmin's precious classmate wasn't there whenever he dropped by to give Seungmin this and that.

"Can you guys believe it?!" Jisung was in an uproar as he threw his backpack down and plopped into his seat. "Who does he think he is? Like I don't care to be friends with him, just because he's Seungmin's friend. But like where are the manners? Does he really think he's some sort of Prince just because everyone calls him that?"

"Calm down, Jisung-ah. You've been talking about this Hwang Hyunjin since you came here," Chan , who is a few years older than him, said.

"But hyung~! You don't get it! You'd just be as annoyed as me if you were to meet this guy!"

"I'd like to meet this Hwang Hyunjin if he's as good-looking as you're making it out to be," another older boy came into the room ready to tease Jisung.

"Changbin-hyung!" Jisung whined. "I said nothing about him being good-looking! Don't put words in my mouth."

Although Jisung didn't join any clubs in high school, he often met up with two older boys, Chan and Changbin due to a common interest in making music. They called themselves 3Racha and each of them aspires to have their music heard. This was the place where Jisung could really be himself and complain as much as he wanted since the two older boys knew his personality very well.

"Anyways, I haven't met someone as annoying as him before! I can't wait until Felix wins the Beauty Contest and wipes that smug face off that Hwang Hyunjin," Jisung vowed.

"Felix?" Chan asked.

"Oh right! We have another transfer student at my school and he's also from Australia!"

"Oh?" Chan became interested.

"I bet Felix would be so happy if he finds another person from Australia."

"When's your school festival? I'd love to pay you guys a visit."

"Huh? Why do you ask? It's an all-boys school festival. That's so boring," Jisung said.

"Did you forget that I'm your sunbae? Minho and I went to your school, remember?"

"Oh, that's right! Speaking of Minho-hyung, where is he?"

"He went for an interview. It's job-hunting season."

"So back to the topic of Hwang Hyunjin," Changbin changed the topic again because he found Jisung being annoyed fairly amusing. "How pretty is he?"


"I'm just asking~" Changbin snickered. "Are you sure you're annoyed at this Hwang Hyunjin because of his personality or is it because in reality, you actually want to be friends with him?"


Friends with that guy? No way! Jisung thought.

As the school festival approached, everyone at school was becoming very busy preparing for everything. Every student was hammering things away, setting up displays and eventually, all contestants for the Beauty Contest had their costumes sewn up as well.

Jisung's costume was a rather typical, red-riding hood cosplay with a blonde wig and a basket as a prop. He didn't want to stand out too much since Felix is supposed to be the main character. Jisung only joined as a mental support for the nervous Australian classmate.

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