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Hurry, I have to make it in time!

Changbin and Jisung rushed out of the forest as fast as they could. Knowing that their friend could be in danger, Jisung couldn't help but find himself running faster and more desperately than ever.


Changbin busted open the door without hesitation, only to see Hyunjin standing there in the living room, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What the hell? You scared the shit out of me," Hyunjin was startled.

"Y-you're okay?" Changbin asked in surprise as well since he didn't think to see Hyunjin stand there so nonchalantly.

"What do you mean? Weren't you two going into the Forest? Did you guys find anything?" Hyunjin asked.

He's safe. Thank goodness- Jisung thought but just then, a weird sensation hit him. What...?

"Yeah. Some villagers were still alive so we're just making sure they stay safe inside while we come back to check on you."

"Make sure I'm safe? What do you mean?"

" Never mind that. Where's the old lady?" Changbin looked around.

Jisung looked at Hyunjin, whose eyes were following Changbin who ran around frantically to look for the old lady. Jisung didn't know why but he could feel something was off.

"Why are you just standing there?" Hyunjin finally turned his attention to Jisung who barely made a step further into the cottage.

"Changbin-hyung," Jisung ignored Hyunjin and cautiously took one step back.

"Huh? What? I'm busy," Changbin said and was too distracted.

"No," Jisung could feel it.

A sense of danger.

This isn't Hyunjin. We need to-

But just before his thoughts could finish, Hyunjin creepily launched himself in front of Jisung who was standing there by the door. In just a split second, his face was close to Jisung and then, a twisted smile appeared on his face. His arms extended far into the distance, twisted and grotesque.

"My, my, aren't you a smart one?" The Hyunjin-lookalike said in an ominous tone and slowly morphed into a woman's voice.

"Jisung!" Changbin grabbed whatever he could next to him and chucked it at the hideous monster.

The moment the monster fell back to avoid the object, Changbin rushed to stand in front of Jisung to protect the younger.

"You! You're the Widower!?" Changbin shouted angrily after being tricked.

"Hehehe, am I?" Her face started to warp from Hyunjin's face into the old lady's who they recognized. Then as her true face began to reveal itself, spider webs started to appear around the room, warping around her as she transformed, and eventually, she was covered in webs.

As she engulfed herself in her own web, she let out a haunting smile, before dispersing into thin air.

"S-she disappeared?" Jisung was surprised.

The entire room started to shake, the wooden panels were beginning to crack and the many ornaments on the shelves began to plummet onto the wooden floors harshly, leaving large dents all over the floor. Things were breaking left and right.

Before the two Hunters could react fast enough to get out, Jisung felt a hand behind him, forcefully shoving him into the cottage which caused Jisung to accidentally push Changbin who was standing in front of them.

[SKZ Hyunsung] ENDlifeWhere stories live. Discover now