. sick but sweet

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cg!uncle wayne!!
requested by: my idea!! i'm sorry for not getting to the requests right away but i have inspiration for certain things:( byler oneshot coming next:))

eddie whimpered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked around the empty living room. "uncle wayne?" he whined, his head aching as he toddled off the couch and into the kitchen.
he looked up at wayne, not even giving the man a chance to speak before the tears started spilling from his eyes. he reached up for his uncle, making grabby hands. "up! up please!" he cried, making wayne's heart ache.
wayne quickly hoisted eddie onto his hip, patting his back soothingly. "hey, hey...what's wrong, little man?" wayne shushed, petting eddie's hair back from his sticky forehead.
"no feel good.." the younger boy whimpered, sniffling as he stuck his thumb in his mouth for comfort.
wayne sighed sympathetically, sitting eddie on the counter and taking his thumb out of his mouth. "bubby, that's probably why you're sick.." wayne pushed eddie's hair back, feeling his warm forehead.
eddie whined, reaching for his uncle. he didn't wanna sit on the counter, he wanted uncle wayne to hold him and make him feel better!
wayne chuckled, walking back to eddie with a thermometer and a bottle of cold medicine in his hand. "first, you need to say 'ah'." the man cooed, sticking the thermometer in eddie's mouth.
eddie shook his head and grumbled, still reaching for his uncle. he pouted around the thermometer, arms crossing over his chest with a huff. "up." he demanded, looking up at wayne.
"in a minute, bud." wayne cooed, hugging eddie as he took the thermometer out of his mouth. "i know you aren't gonna like this, but you gotta open up so you can take this and feel better."
eddie shook his head immediately, trying his hardest to wiggle off the counter. he was stopped by wayne, of course, who quickly grabbed ahold of eddie and sat him back on the counter.
"if you take this, uncle wayne will get you a new dragon, yeah?" the man offered, earning an eager nod from his little boy. "that's what i figured." wayne chuckled, handing the small medicine cup to eddie.
eddie quickly turned the cup up, gulping down the medicine with a gag and an 'icky'. he kicked his legs, whining and grabbing at his uncle's shirt with the force of 10,000 babies (hehe).
wayne chuckled, untangling eddie's hands from his shirt and carrying the boy to the living room. he gently laid him on the couch, handing him his stuffed dragon and tucking his fuzzy black blanket around his shoulders.
eddie sniffled, looking up at wayne puffy eyes and red, sweaty cheeks. "i s'eepy." he watched his uncle sit on the other end of the couch, immediately turning over so he could lay his head in his lap.
wayne gently petted eddie's head, humming lowly as he looked down at his sick boy. "go to sleep, i'll be right here when ya wake up. won't move a muscle." wayne spoke softly, smiling down at his regressed nephew.
"s'eepy time." eddie declared, hugging his dragon tightly to his chest as he was slowly lulled to sleep by the mix of noise between wayne humming and the tv softly playing the care bears movie.
sick day or not, any day was a good day when he spent it with uncle wayne.

i'll have a byler chapter out next then ronance:) so sorry it's taking so long, life is very hectic. you can follow me on tumblr where i also post hcs and drabbles!! it's @ gothicmunson

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