. caught red(robin)handed

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requested by: AnayaDestouche

robin hummed along to the static music crackling through the speakers of her record player, organizing her collection of beanie babies and various other trinkets on to a shelf steve had put up earlier that day.
she didn't have any plans for the night, meaning she could easily regress and just relax with no worries.
so, that's exactly what she was doing. organizing the soft toys onto the lightly colored shelf, humming along to whatever record of steve's she'd borrowed for the week.
she giggled to herself quietly as she pet the fur of her stuffed elephant.
"wan' some juice? i do!" she decided after a moment, tucking the purple elephant under her arm and toddling out of her room and towards the kitchen.
oblivious to the fact nancy had just pulled in the driveway, robin carelessly skipped into the kitchen towards the fridge. she whined when she couldn't find the juice, grabbing the gallon of milk instead.
just as robin was climbing onto the counter to grab a cup, a gentle knock on the door alerted her to the presence of nancy.
nancy knocked rhythmically on the door, calling out to her girlfriend softly. "rob, i'm here!" her voice was always so calm, so relaxing.
but not now. not for robin, who scrambled to the door as quickly as she could. she fumbled with the lock for a moment, swinging the door open and staring up at nancy owlishly.
"i-" robin cut herself off before she could even begin, thankful nancy just pulled her into a hug and walked inside her small house.
nancy took notice to the array of stuffed animals scattered in the living room floor, the sippy cup on the counter, and the most telling sign, a pacifier clipped to the pocket of robin's shorts.
she held back a coo, gently guiding robin towards the couch and sitting down beside her.
"it's okay, sweet girl. i seen your paci and some other stuff, and i'm not mad! are you...regressed?" nancy was never one to ramble, but she couldn't get her words out quick enough to let robin know she wasn't upset with her.
robin stared up at her with teary eyes, blinking in surprise for a moment before slowly nodding. her gaze went to the floor almost immediately, anxiously wringing her hands as she anticipated nancy's next words.
nancy gave robin an absolutely sickeningly sweet smile, pulling the shorter girl into her lap.
"yeah? why didn't you tell me, bubba?" nancy asked almost sadly.
"cause, you was gon' be mad at me 'n leave!" the regressed girl defends, a stray tear running down her cheek as she stared up at nancy with wide eyes.
nancy shook her head immediately, gently caressing robin's cheek as she turned the girl's face to look in her eyes.
"you are my everything, baby bird. i'll always love you, okay?" nancy holds her pinky out, knowing the small gesture would reassure her regressed girlfriend.
robin blushed furiously, nodding and clumsily looping her pinky around nancy's with a bubbly grin.
nancy kissed robin's head, laying back against the couch and pulling robin to lay down with her. she stroked the girl's hair gently, humming whatever song came to mind as she lazily traced patterns on robin's back.
"you just relax, little one. i'll be right here when you wake up.." she promised, planting a chaste kiss on to robin's lips before grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch.
she gently wrapped the blanket around her and robin both, pulling it around them snugly as she watched robin's fuzzy eyes slowly fall closed.
when robin was finally sleeping soundly, nancy breathed out a sigh of relief. she turned over, robin still attached to her, and closed her eyes.
she went to sleep excited. ready to meet her baby bird.

i hope u enjoyed:) i have been absolutely working overtime on this book this week and i have no idea why. some of these were started awhile ago n i either finished them or rewrote them completely lol anyways have a good *time zone*

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