.max attack

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little!max & will
requested by: kaylakrazykaticloudc

max sighed softly, dropping the worn wooden board onto the ground and kicking off to start her short journey to the byers/hopper residence. she knew she should cancel, save herself the embarrassment of slipping in front of eleven. truth be told though, she really wanted to spend time with the other girl and had decided against cancelling last minute.
once she'd made it, she scooped the skateboard back up and ran up the front porch steps to the door. she knocked loudly, peeking up to try and see through the window. "el!"
just as she was about to give another impatient knock, the brown haired girl swung the door open and hugged max tightly. "i've been waiting all day, hi max!"
max laughed softly, scratching the back of her neck nervously and walking inside the small house. she looked around for a minute, noticing the toys on the floor and smiling sadly. that meant will was regressed, and she'd love to play with him.
but, she knew el had planned an elaborate visit, one full of comics and talking about their gross boyfriends. she didn't want to ruin that for the older girl, so she tried her hardest to just suck it up and go on with her day. she was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when she seen will shuffling down the stairs, running straight towards her with the biggest grin she'd ever seen.
"max!" he squealed, hugging her tightly as el watched in awe. she knew max would more than likely regress today, but she wanted the red haired girl to figure that out on her own terms.
"hi, little buddy!" max ruffled his hair, earning a squeak of surprise from the regressed boy as he turned to face el.
"maxie play with me?" he stared up at el, eyes wide with excitement, before turning back to max.
"i dunno, bud. why don't you ask her?" el offered kindly, chuckling at how quickly will was on max's heels.
"play?" he asked sweetly, giving max his best puppy eyes. how could she say no to that?
she looked over to el, biting her lower lip nervously and shuffling over to the older girl.
el took notice of max's nervous demeanor, putting a grounding hand on her friend's back as she softly spoke, "max, you can be little." she cooed, noticing the way max looked up at her with wide eyes. "no one will be mad. we love little maxie soooo much!" el kissed her nose, earning a sheepish giggle from the fire haired girl.
max had eventually became comfortable enough to fully regress, sitting in the floor across from will and eleven as they played uno. max, being her usual self even in little space, cheered and blew a raspberry towards the two siblings.
"i win! again!" she giggled, earning a furious pout from will, who was never happy to lose at anything.
the frown stayed on his face, turning to face eleven with tears threatening to spill.
el quickly stood up, pulling both littles up by the hands in the process. "okay, no more uno! how about outside time, hm?" she offered, earning an immediate cheer and nod from max.
"yes! yes! will, say yes!" max pouted, bouncing on her toes excitedly as she awaited the younger boy's answer.
he thought for a moment, nodding softly and taking hold of el's hand with a sheepish smile.
as they were walking outside, el standing between the two littles with a firm grip on either's hand, max had an idea. she gasped, turning to el and quickly running to her backpack, which had been abandoned on the front porch earlier.
she pulled out her set of paints, tucking her skateboard under her arm and running to will. "will! will! wan' pant my board with me?" she gasped excitedly, taking both of his hands into hers as she dropped her things on the ground beside them.
will nodded excitedly, clapping his hands and running off after max. he loved anything to do with art, especially while he was regressed.
el walked behind the two, taking her place on the lawn chair as she watched the two littles paint various colors and designs on max's beloved skateboard.
"you're my best friend. i love you so much!" max sloppily kissed will's cheek, earning a playful huff from the younger before he tackled her into a hug, sending her flying backwards with a groan.
max laughed loudly, rolling around in the grass with will still clinging to her like a koala.
el shook her head, rolling her eyes playfully and chuckling in fondness.
"play nice, babies!"

i am so so sorry this sucks so bad i was so stumped with how to end this and i'm sorry it's so short:( i hope you enjoyed!

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