. superhero.

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little! will and and jane/eleven byers
cg! joyce
requested by: leechlover049 dark_hearts_writerr 

"i wanted the green one.." jane mumbled to will, watching as he gingerly took the green crayon out from the box.
"you can have it when 'm done!" the boy nodded assuringly, watching as his sister's face lit up at his kindness. something she deserved so much more of.
"what are you drawin'?" jane asked shyly, scooting closer to will so she could watch him color.
"me an' you...and mike!" he announced proudly, turning the paper towards el with a nudge. "see? that's me and mike!" he pointed to his well drawn version of himself and his partner. "aaaand...that's you!" he points to el, drawn in a surprisingly accurate style.
"wanna see mine?" she offers shyly, covering her drawing with her hands. "no laughin'." she pouted.
"i love it!" will squealed, jumping up from where he was laying in the floor beside his sister. "we have to show mama!" he gasped, grabbing the small girl's hand to pull her up. "c'mon!" he giggled.
eleven nodded, grabbing onto her brother's hand as he pulled her up from the creaky, wood floor.
he took off running, his hand still intertwined with jane's as they ran through the hallway to find joyce.
"mama! look how cool sissy's drawing is!" he exclaimed proudly, shoving the drawing into joyce's face eagerly.
she smiled proudly, gasping with a faux excitement that had both will and el giggling and clapping.
"it's absolutely beautiful! we have to hang this on the fridge!" she watched with an endearing grin as will and el cheered in symphony.
"okay, my little munchkins, what do you want for lunch?" joyce patted the two's heads, grabbing on to each of their hands to assure they didn't toddle over.
will shrugged, the smaller girl copying his gesture as she stared up at her mother with a childlike wonder in her eyes.
"how about...mac and cheese?" joyce suggests, earning vigorous, full body nods from her two children as they toddle off to their bedroom, giggling in harmony about their drawings and games.
joyce turns to hopper, smiling a wide and genuine smile.
"i wish they were always this happy.." she sighed softly, watching as the older man nodded gruffly.
"let's just cherish it with them." he hummed in content, earning a nod from joyce as she pulled the box of mac and cheese out of the cabinet in the kitchen.
meanwhile, el and will were playing in their room, absolutely enthralled by the dungeons and dragons figurines will was talking about to jane.
he loved to tell their backstories, and what he had made them into, even when he was regressed.
el was always absolutely emerged into the stories with him, nodding along and adding her own characters along the way.
it had always been one of their favorite activities, and today was no different.
after a moment, joyce was pouring hot mac and cheese into two bowls as she called out for the kids.
"babies! it's lunchtime!" she called throughout the house, earning eager squeals from the two as they toddled into the kitchen with the widest smiles plastered on their faces.
hopper can't help but coo a little, watching in endearment as the two proudly carry their mac and cheese into the living room to watch cartoons while they eat.
he chuckles, turning to joyce with a shake of his head that lets her know their kids have him absolutely wrapped his finger just as much as they did her.
joyce cleaned up the inevitable mess in the living room, and will and el roped hopper into joining in on their game.
the house was filled with the sound of dishes clanking, hopper's theatrics, and the angelic giggling of their kids. their family. living together in happy, harmony despite the circumstances in which they became a family.

i am genuinely so sorry this kind of sucks but i really needed to get it out!! i do feel like this was one of my more soft and fluffy oneshots, and i'm kinda excited ab it!!

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