. forgotten promises

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requested by: this is a birthday gift for my fav bananasforstevee

eddie stood outside steve's door, knocking rapidly as the rain poured down steadily and soaked him. when there was no answer, eddie knocked harder as a choked up sounding sob escaped the back of his throat.
steve promised he'd always come to eddie when it stormed, and yet eddie had walked 9 blocks to steve's, since he never came for him.
he was soaking wet. from head to toe, he was absolutely covered in freezing rainwater and grimy, caked up mud coated the bottoms of his jeans and his only nice pair of shoes.
when steve finally heard eddie's desperate knocking, he was quick to unlock and open the front door, blinking in shock at the sight in front of him.
"eddie, baby, why are you here?" steve pulled him into the living room quickly, noticing the way eddie was immediately crumbling down into a ball on the floor.
"you forgot me, steve!" he sobbed, clawing at his soggy clothing in a failed attempt to unstick it from his skin.
steve's heart shattered at that very moment. he hadn't forgotten eddie, the thought had just slipped his mind that day.
"oh, baby..." steve cooed, bending down and pulling eddie into his arms, despite the sopping wet clothes his boyfriend was sporting.
eddie sobbed. he sobbed and hiccuped and gagged until his face was bright red, and there wasn't a single tear left in his big brown eyes.
steve had never seen eddie in so much dismay over anything. the fact this was his fault broke him to his core, and he'd do everything in his power to fix it.
after what felt like the longest thirty minutes of steve harrington's life, eddie had finally calmed down to a reasonable level and was ready to talk to steve.
though steve was shocked to see eddie, still soaking wet, toddle down the stairs with his fingers lodged in his mouth and a string of drool running down his chin.
nonetheless, it made steve feel all the more guilty for forgetting to pick eddie up.
the way eddie stared at him with those bambi eyes made him feel like a monster.
"come here, bubba. tell stevie all about it.." he cooed, opening his arms out for eddie with a welcoming pat to his knees.
eddie scrambled over into steve's lap, but refrained from eye contact as he stared at the rips in rain-soaked jeans.
"i am so sorry i forgot to come pick you up, love. you should've called.." steve sighed sadly, pushing eddie's damp bangs away from his forehead and placing a few chaste kisses on it.
eddie sniffled, looking up at steve hopelessly.
"bu' you forget me.." eddie whined pitifully, scrubbing at his eyes with his fists as he stared into steve's gaze.
steve was quick to cradle eddie to his chest, disregarding the dirty wet clothes that were clinging to eddie's skin.
his first priority would be helping his baby feel better, then worrying about changing him.
"oh, honey. stevie is so sorry.." he shushed the mentally younger, swaying them back and forth in a soft, lulling motion.
eddie's cries we're starting to slow as he stared up at steve with wide, innocent eyes.
"stevie don't love me a'ymore?" eddie spoke up after awhile of sitting in silence, eyes fixated on steve's lap as he awaited a reply.
"i will always love you. no matter when, why, or what. you are my baby and my sweetest, prettiest boy.." steve wrapped his arms around eddie tightly, smiling warmly when he heard the other coo into his chest.
"okay, up you go." steve said in a sing-song voice, scooping eddie up bridal style as he carried him to the large master bathroom upstairs.
eddie stayed silent, but perked up at the mention of taking a bath.
steve sat him on the toilet, kneeling to fix the water in the tub to a comfortable temperature for eddie. he poured a considerable amount of bubble bath in the water to compensate for the fact he didn't show up for eddie.
he turned to face the regressed boy, chuckling at the sight of him struggling to unzip his jacket.
"come here, little man. let stevie help." he pulled eddie up, making quick work of stripping his clothes before helping him into the tub.
eddie splashed his hand in the water, visibly relaxing at the warmth from the bath. he hummed in content as steve washed him gently, even staying still for him when he washed his hair!
"such a good boy, bubba.." steve cooed, pulling the plug from the tub as he helped bring eddie to his feet. he was quick to wrap him in a fuzzy towel, scooping him up once more to take him to get dressed.
he sat eddie on the bed, laughing fondly when the other let out a very sharp whine.
"one minute, honey. i'm not goin' anywhere." steve chuckled, digging through his dresser drawers until he found fuzzy pajama pants for eddie.
he moved on the to the shirts, deciding on an orange, oversized sweater. he wasn't entirely sure where it had came from, but he knew it would keep his boy warm.
"c'mere." steve laid the towel across the bed, sitting eddie upright and pulling his head and arms through the sweater.
eddie giggled, sighing happily once he'd been fully dressed. he made grabby hands for steve almost immediately, babbling to himself.
"up!" when steve continued to rummage in the closet rather than pick him up, eddie resorted to more frantic babbling.
"abababa! up! a-aah.." he whined, leaning forwards in attempts to grab at steve.
steve couldn't resist the angelic babbling, scooping eddie up as fast as he could and littering the small boy's face with kisses.
"does my baby want some apple cider? and the hobbit, maybe?" he cooed, earning a vigorous nod from eddie.
"ya!" he squealed, burying his head into steve's shoulder with a content sigh.
"stevie will always make it better, i promise. no more forgotten promises, either, okay?" he placed multiple kisses on eddie's face, earning a sleepy nod from the latter as he watched steve prepare his cider.

i really hope you enjoyed this!! sorry it's a bit late but i really wanted to give you the best gift i could:) happy bday n ily!

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