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◦•●◉✿ Y/n's Pov: ✿◉●•◦

After spending time with jungkook. He decided to leave me at my home it's 6:30. He said I shouldn't go alone at this time.
I agreed and sat with him in his car.

He is such a gentleman. The way he talk, the way he behaves with me, his smile, his touch makes me crazy. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Is this how love feels like. It's confirmed I have a crush on him... And I'm slowly falling for him. He shared all his secrets with me. I felt so special and happy today. He is the only one who made me this happy in these months.

At first I was scared of him of course I would be cause he is a mafia. But he isn't like everyone
He is very gentle. I like him. I hope he likes me back. We also took a photo together at the cheery blossom park. I insisted cause I wanna keep this day special it should be in my memories.

I soon reached my home. I got down from the car along with him.

Y/N - "Thank you for today jungkook I had a lot of fun"

JK - "Me too y/n thank you for coming... Bye good night take care"

Y/N - "Bye good night take care"

I started taking steps to my home
But I turned around going and hugging him. Before he could hug me back. I ran away from there with my red cheeks.

I went inside and ran straight to my room. I closed the door leaning down to the floor keeping my hand on my chest.
Did I just hugged jungkook?
Why does it feels warm? Why do I feel safe in his arms? It's such a nice feeling.... I guess I'm in love with jungkook am I?

I smiled more and hide my face in my plams.

◦•●◉✿ Jungkook's Pov: ✿◉●•◦

I reached home with red cheeks
I walked inside but flinched when I saw mom sitting on the couch while smiling. I guess now I gotta tell mom everything what happened.

I said mom everything what happened today. Y/n held my hand, she told me about herself, she hugged me before going home. I told literally each and everything.

Mrs. Jeon - "Aww what a cute date you both had now show me my future daughter in law's photo... If you forget I'm gonna kick your ass out of my house"

JK - "Mom I brought the photo geez"

I showed her my y/n's picture.

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Mrs. Jeon - "Wow she is so beautiful kookie... I'm shocked how come such a beautiful girl fell in love with a bunny like you"

My smile dropped. I glared at my mom.

JK - "Eomma you call your own son a bunny?"

Mrs. Jeon - "Yeah I need to bro"

JK - "Eomma stop being with suga hyung"

She laughed. I smiled seeing her laughing it have been ages I saw her laughing out loud that too so naturally. I'm happy.

JK - "I love you eomma"

Mrs. Jeon - "I love you too my kookie"

I laid on her lap hugging her like a small baby. She kissed my forehead caressing my hair.
I don't know when I fell asleep.

Few Day's Later....

◦•●◉✿ Y/N's POV: ✿◉●•◦

I'm currently sitting in my room at my study desk taking down the notes which my professor sent at our online class group. These days have been the best days of my life. I was so happy it's all because of jungkook. He became like my best friend. Ever since the cafe meet we spoke with each other a lot, sometimes we meet at parks or cafes too or he comes to pick me up from my university. People think that we are a couple but it's not the reality sadly.

While I'm busy doing my work
I got a call from jungkook. I smiled while picking up. His soft sweet voice came which melted my heart.


JK - "Hey y/n!"

Y/N - "Hi Jungkook"

JK - "Are you free today?"

Y/N - "Yeah... Why?"

JK - "I was thinking if we could go hang out... You know it's Saturday today it would be nice!"

Y/N - "Yeah I'm down for it... But where shall we go?"

JK - "Let's go to an amusement park Or anywhere you like"

Y/N - "Let's go to the amusement park!"

JK - "Okay done get ready it's 4:30 I'll pick you up at 5"

Y/N - "Okay bye"

JK - "Bye"

I end the call keeping it on my desk. I'm going out with jungkook. I'm so happy and excited. I quickly went to take a shower. I also shaved my legs, hands, underarms. I came out of the shower it's 4:45 I need to hurry. I quickly took out a dress which I recently brought. I wore it then applied little amount of make up.

My Dress :

I checked the time it's 4:55

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I checked the time it's 4:55. I quickly took my sling bag. I took my phone with me and went down stairs. I was about to open the door but stopped when I heard my dad's voice calling me.

Y/N - "Yes appa?"

Mr. Sung - "where are you going?"

Y/N - "Umm... My friend called me appa we both are going out it's weekend right that's why"

Mr. Sung - "Hmm okay come back early"

I nodded then went out. I waited outside my house for a few minutes then I saw jungkook's car going in my direction. He stopped the car sliding the glass down.

JK - "Get in"

I nodded sitting in the passenger seat. I wore my seat belt. Then he started driving.

Y/N - "Thank you for inviting me jungkook"

JK - "Thank you for coming y/n"

I sweetly smiled at him.

Y/N - "you usually go out during weekend?"

JK - "Not always but few times.. I mostly stay at home either doing my work or spending time with eomma... Few time I go out to get drinks with my hyung's Or have dinner with them"

Y/N - "Oh that's nice"

He nodded while focusing on his driving. I looked outside the window. The weather today is just so pretty. I hope this day goes well. I smiled to myself.

It's nice being with you....

Mafia's Princess (J.JK) Where stories live. Discover now