Tsundere In Denial || Jotaro x Tsundere!Reader || requested! :D

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hii, babes! two things before we get into this long waiting update!! first, i'm so so sorry for the late update; school has been slapping me in the face, and i've been busy as heck with church, piano and dance lessons, and other random things. 

secondly, i want you guys to come up with a name for me to call you! i'd love to hear your suggestions! anyway, without further ado, enjoy this, and i'm sorry for the wait!!

(requested by Hannahiscool! hope you liked it, and sorry it was late lol)

"I do not like him!" You growl, crossing your arms at your red-haired friend. Kakyoin smiles at you in disbelief, and he laughs, patting your shoulder cutely as he stares at your currently redding face. Swatting Kakyoin's arm, you swing around and stare at him, daring him to try and press on the matter. He does, just to annoy you.

"Y/N, if you didn't like him, you wouldn't be blushing and yelling like you are right now." Kakyoin points out, gesturing to your cheeks. Scoffing, you push your finger into Kakyoin's chest, earning a jump from the cherry loving boy.

"I swear to God, Kakyoin, keep talking and I'll mess up your hair curl you spend hours perfecting." You stick a finger in his face, and the lavender-eyed boy backs up, frowning. "You wouldn't dare!" The red haired man gasps, and you roll your eyes, speeding up. "Oh, yeah, I would!" You yell back at him, and he shakes his head, smiling as runs to catch up to you.

Your best friend, Noriaki Kakyoin, asked you to tag along with him as he's going to study with another good friend of his, Jotaro Kujo. Yeah, you have a crush on him, but there's no way you're going to tell him. Instead, you settle for being a brat around him, and hitting him all the time. Jotaro's not bothered, and it pisses you off even more. He's so attractive, it bothers you.

A knock on the door shakes you out of your thoughts, and you snap back to reality to see Kakyoin knocking on the door. Clenching your fists together, you brace yourself, and the door swings open to see Jotaro's mother, Holly, standing on the other side.

"Hi, you two!" She smiles, and Kakyoin smiles politely, and you wave, smiling. You like Holly; she's like your best friend and mother combined into one beautiful woman. "Come on in! Jotaro's in his room. I'm making some blueberry muffins for your snack!" Holly gestures you two in, and the smell of sweet blueberries hits your nose.

"Come on, Y/N! Jotaro's waiting for us." Kakyoin says, and you frown, your thoughts being brought back to the terrible realization. "Ugh, whatever." You roll your eyes, and make your way up the stairs, knocking on Jotaro's door. "Coming." His deep voice sends shivers down your spine, and Kakyoin notices the growing blush on your face.

The wooden door swings open to reveal a wet haired Jotaro; he's in a tight-fitting shirt and sweatpants, and his hair is wet and curly, water droplets dripping onto his shoulders. His green eyes have that bored look to them, and his skin is glistening in the midday sun. Blushing even harder, you try to make a comment about his looks.

"You look like a wet dog, Kujo." You tease, and Jotaro glares at you. "At least I don't look like a spoiled brat." He says, gesturing to your schoolgirl outfit. You blush, and step on his foot, earning a muffled curse word from Jotaro. "Shut up! You're just jealous because I'm cute in this outfit!" You yell, and Jotaro rolls his eyes, walking back to his desk without a word. "HEY! I'm not done talking to you--" You start to rant, but Kakyoin pulls you in, and his grip on your arm tells you to knock it off.

"I hate him." You whisper, and Kakyoin rolls his eyes, opening his books. "Okay, we're working on our literature presentation on Romeo and Juliet. Y/N, you'll be ending it off, okay?" Kakyoin explains, writing something down on his notepad. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know." You groan, and stand up in front of the boys.

Jotaro lays his green eyes on you, and you glare at him. "Stop staring at me, Kujo!" You yell, and Jotaro scoffs. "Where am I supposed to look then?" He challenges you, and you blush. "I--I don't know!! Anywhere but at me!!" You say like it's obvious, and he curses under his breath, opting to look at his notes.

Kakyoin sighs, and gestures to you to start talking.

"Romeo and Juliet's relationship was filled with hardships as their families were opposing each other, but they made a way to overcome them, and find true love in the end, even though it was cut short." You recite, and Kakyoin claps for you, smiling. Jotaro smiles slightly, and claps for you as well. Your heart leaps at the prospect, and you blush.

"Well, looks like we don't have to go over the rest of that, especially since you got your part down, Y/N." Kakyoin smiles at you, and you roll your eyes. "Oh, please, it was easy!" You lie, and Jotaro frowns at you.

"No, it wasn't. You spent hours stammering over the damn thing just two days ago." He points out, and you stomp towards him, hitting him square in the face. He doesn't flinch, and you get heated up even more. "Shut up, Kujo! No one asked you!" You yell, and Kakyoin walks over to you, pulling you away from Jotaro.

"Okay, Y/N! Calm down." He says calmingly, and you sigh, frowning. "Ms. Holly said the muffins were ready." Kakyoin smiles, knowing your reaction. Your face lights up, and you sprint out of the room, running down the stairs to get to the muffins first. Tripping down the stairs, you yell, but your fall is stopped by Jotaro catching you in his arms. Wait---how did he get here? He was behind you just a second ago...

"Hey! How the heck did you get down here so fast?!" You yell, and he sighs, placing you back on the ground. "It doesn't matter. Stop running everywhere." Jotaro says bluntly, and walks over to the counter, grabbing a hot muffin and sticking it in his mouth. Ugh! I hate him so freaking much! He's so handsome, I can't stand it!!, you think to yourself, and Kakyoin pulls you over to the table.

"Hey, when are you going to tell him?" Kakyoin asks, and you stare at him in disbelief. "Tell him?! I'm not telling him anything!" You whisper-yell, and Kakyoin covers your mouth. "Be quieter, Y/N. You're so loud." Kakyoin teases, and you grumble, taking a bite of your muffin.

"Hey, Y/N. Come here." Jotaro calls you, and you whip your head around at him, angry. "Y/N, just go." Kakyoin nudges you gently, and you sigh, standing up and walking over to him. "What, Kujo?" You bite, and he sighs. "My mom wants these to be taken to the neighbor's house across the street. Come on." He says, grabbing the basket and slipping on his shoes. "Why me?" You ask, and Jotaro rolls his eyes. "Stop asking questions, dammit." He frowns, and you blush.


The walk back home was quiet, you being too nervous to fight or tease Jotaro. As you two arrive on the front steps of the house, Jotaro grabs your arm and spins you around. Confused, you stare into his green eyes, and search them for an answer as to why he's doing all this.

"Hey!" You yell, but Jotaro plants a kiss on your lips, and you shut up, seemingly melting into the kiss. "What the hell, Kujo?! You just---you just kissed me!!" You yell, and Jotaro covers your mouth, sighing. 

"Well, do you love me too, or what? If I kissed you for nothing, I swear I'm going to kill Kakyoin." Jotaro blushes, running a hand through his hand.

"Y---Yeah! I like you, or whatever, but Kakyoin set you up to this?!" You yell, and Jotaro curses. "Stop yelling, damn it!!" He yells, and you roll your eyes, rolling up your sleeves. 

"I'm ruining that curl." You frown, and storm in the house, ready to beat Kakyoin to a pulp.

aaaah hope you enjoyed, and i'm sorry for the late update! hope you can forgive me 🥺

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