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"I think I'm falling for you. . ."

The boy seized your hands and brushed it with his thumb. His smile, hair, eyes — all of him was a piece of art.
He was like that kind of painting that you found oddly beautiful and wanted to analyse every inch of it.

"Oh yeah? I think I am too."

His mellow, honey-yellow eyes lovingly rested in yours. He gently took your chin and brought it closer to his face.

"Can I kiss you. . .?"

"Just do it already, don't keep me waiting."


Your eyes shot open, droplets of crystal clear water ran down your face and dropped down from your chin onto the ground.

Your mother stood in-front of you with a bucket full of freezing water in her hands. Even if she was blind, it's like she sensed whenever you were having a dream about the future.

"What was it." She asked in the most direct way.

"I. . . I don't know. I couldn't make out a clear image of the guy in my dream. . ." His mysterious presence and romantic relationship with you tickled your curiosity.

Your mother was a shamanka from the Metkayna clan. Her dreams predicted the future and never were incorrect. Being her firstborn and only child — You were blessed enough to inherit some of her outstanding abilities.

Your dreams also told the future, but they were very vivid, it's like they were always shadowed by some sort of fog. Most of the time.

However this dream was different. Not only because it held a romantic meaning behind it, but because it was unusual for a dream to be so. . . Realistic?

"Child tell me, what did you see?" Your mother occupied a seat in-front of you, firmly holding your shoulders to prevent you from moving.

Your mother was a very strict woman with strict rules. You can't fall in love if she doesn't approve it, you can't keep secrets from her and most importantly — you mustn't lie.

Simply speaking, you were on a thin ice all the time.

"I saw a boy. . ." You anxiously ran your fingers through your loose hair. "He told me that he liked me and. . ."

The next words got stuck in your throat. Your mind was like a thick forest — you got lost in it while searching for the right words.

Her face remained unfazed. Her eyes — they revealed a deep desire for an answer. "And what? Speak to me child."

You gulped. "And I returned his feelings."

Her hands slid off your shoulders as she pondered her own thoughts. Silence embraced the two of you; thoughtful silence.

You patiently awaited your mother's response to this problem.

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