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"Where have you been?" A stern voice rang out as soon as you stepped inside of your Marui Pod.

You recognised to who it belonged to by the first moment that you've heard it. Such strict voice that has many secrets hidden underneath it could only belong to your mother.

Just like a soldier, you stayed rooted in your place and blankly stared at the wall instead of her. "I was at the beach mom."

"At the beach? This late? What the hell would you even do at the beach at this hour?" Questions spilled from her mouth.

You knew that if you don't clear the air soon, she'll definitely shower you with bunch more questions which would be horrible.

"I was stargazing. . ." You stated, but instead of sounding confident in your answer you sounded hesitant. Very hesitant. "The sky tonight is pretty. . ." You cleared your throat and retried to tell her with confidence.

That one string of your voice still sounded dubious about it and it was enough for your mom. She has definitely heard that one voice string and knew that you were up to something.

She knitted a brow and glanced at you. "With who?"

The bowl with boiling water and some fishes made bubbling sounds and it did not go pass your ears. You felt exactly like that fish; with every question received the water surrounding you boiled even more.

One thing was for certain: you're done for.

"With who?" Your mother repeated her previous question, but now with much more angrier voice.

Different excuses to say sprinted through your mind but none of them fit. You can't say that you were with Aonung because she knows that you both hate each other and automatically Rotxo and Tsireya are also excluded.

You decided to say the truth. It's the only way out. "I was with Aíva." These words just fell off your tongue without you knowledge.

You saw the way your mother stopped peeling off onions, she certainly didn't expect to hear something like this. "Zai'xan's girl? Since when the two of you are friends?"

She was now starting at you with her colourless eyes. Eyes that were full of happiness and loveliness once were nothing but an empty shell now.

Even if blind, she still managed to sense the expression that was on your face.

You bit your lower lip; you already felt guilty for lying. "Since yesterday." Another lie escaped your lips. Now you know what they mean when they say that lying can become addicting.

An inner debate took place inside of her head rather she should believe you or not. But then again, you've never — not even once — lied to her so why show mistrust now?

"Alright I see." Her words made the heavy rock fall off your heart. To say that you were relieved would be an understatement. "Come child, have some dinner."

She gestured for you to sit down with a swing of her hand while her eyes were pointing at the plate in-front of you that had some fresh boiled fish.

Your mother's fish was one of the best; she was a great cook and always made them taste fancy. Your stomach growled before coming here from how hungry you were, but now all the hunger has disappeared.

It's like you weren't hungry to begin with.

"I'm not hungry mom, I think this time I'll pass." You said, earning a puzzled glance from her.

"Alright. . .?" Your strange behaviour and uneasiness was unexplainable to her; what was on your mind?

You heaved an sigh and faked a yawn to fool her into thinking that you were exhausted but then you remember — she was blind. There was no way she saw you yawn, perhaps only heard but you doubt it.

You had to change your tactics. "Mom, I'll go to sleep, I feel a little tired." You lowered your voice to make it seem like you were sleepy.

Silence answered you. Your mom didn't even bother to say anything as she kept on humming some strange melody, paying you no mind.

However just as you were about to go off, the sound of her voice made you stop in your tracks immediately. "What do you think about the Sully children?"

Her sudden question was expected but it still managed to catch you off guard. Her reaction will be very dependent of on your answer and that's what you feared most.

"Um. . ." You gulped as you felt the previous tension enter your body all over again. "They seem friendly."

Your answer wasn't the one that she was willing to hear, not after she told you that they're doomed to ruin their lives. Her face was unfazed yet it held a disappointment that she tried to suppress.

"You shouldn't be friends with those people." Was all she said before she completely dismissed you, not even allowing you to question her.

You decided to shrug her words off and just add this to her odd behaviour. Without thinking much of it, you went to sleep and allowed your body to ease up after the long day.


Birds chirping, happy exclaims of children and gentle warm breeze — these were the things that you wanted to woke up to, however instead you got your mother who poured freezing water on you once again.

She stood there, a frown painted on her face as she sent multiple burning glares towards your direction. And if anyone knew your mother better than you — this didn't mean anything good.

"You lazy girl!" She shouted, knocking all the sleep out of you almost immediately. "Who said that you can sleep for so long!?"

"What do you mean?" You rubbed your eyes while yawning.

She had her arms crossed on her chest while she stared you dead in the eyes. At moments like these, you refused to believe that this woman was blind.

"Your friends are here, you better go and greet them properly." With these words she stormed out as aggressively as always.

You were so tired so your brain didn't process what she said at first, but when it did, your eyes shot wide open. Friends? What friends? The last time you've checked your schedule was free. . .

You silently prayed that it wasn't Lo'ak who decided to pay you a visit as you made way towards the exit/entrance of your Marui Pod.

But upon what you saw was beyond anything that you've expected.

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