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Hu'timi and Juro were my best friends.

Well, maybe the term 'best friends' would be a little too strong to use. They weren't my best friends but they were certainly more than an ordinary friends to me.

Despite them being from Metkayina clan, they were my bros. Good at hunting, excellent at holding a conversation and way more friendlier than some other kids around here. They were the closest friends that I had... here at least.

And surprisingly, they were experts when it came to the matters of the heart.

"Dude, try using different approach on her." Juro suggested, eyeing Hu'timi who's been rejected and now having a hard time because of it. "I can tell she likes you, I can sense it."

I'd too give him an advice, but this was the only thing that I wasn't good at. Love has never been my strong point if it isn't obvious enough.

Hu'timi scratched the back of his neck and bit his lower lip. "One day she likes me and the other she hates me," he sighs, glancing at me from time to time. "Women are complicated."

"Don't lose hope just yet!" Juro flicks his fingers in-front of his face, trying to knock some senses into him. "There's still a chance!"

All three of us were sitting in the shadows of the mighty trees. Not too far from here was the beach where the girl who rejected him was standing, giggling amongst her friends.

She'd point a finger at Hu'timi and all of them would mutually share a silly laugh. I, who's a witness, could confirm that there is indeed no chance for him.

"What about you, Lo'ak?" Hu'timi mutters while sending me a weird look. "From these girls," he points a finger to their group. "Who would you date?"

I think for a few minutes. Not only for a few minutes, in fact, I think for about a few seconds because there was nothing to consider. A true warrior like me has no time for such activity.

Or at least that's what I said to myself.

"No one." I shrugged, as if I didn't even care.

"He just says that," Juro jokes and lightly taps my chest. His voice held so much confidence that I actually believed he knew something that I didn't. "We all seen you with Y/n."

Hearing her name was enough for something inside of me to click. I haven't been here long but I've been here long enough to make quite a few memories with her that were now running through my mind.

Especially the one where she basically ignored me and refused to be my teacher. Not that I need some teaching, I can perfectly learn it on my own, but she didn't even hesitate to turn me down.

The corner of my lips curled up into a small smile that I tried so hard to hide. "Oh her? Don't be ridiculous." I faked a cough.

"Wait, are we talking about the same person here? The daughter of that crazy woman?" Hu'timi's mouth dropped open as he thought that his ears were deceiving him.

The mention of her mom was enough to make the chills run down my spine. Something about the way she was looking at me that stuck with me.

Judging from Hu'timi's face, he was a victim of her mother too.

"Well Y/n isn't any better either." Juro chirped, unintentionally seizing my attention. "I still remember that one time when she slapped me."

"Why would she slap you?" I asked, my voice revealing my burning curiosity.

His breath twitched and ears flopped down, it was as if my question awoken something within him. "It's a long story..." says he, touching his right cheek where he potentially got slapped.

He stays like that for a few good minutes then, something inside of him snapped when he saw a familiar face walking by. He immediately shot up from his seat and extended his hand to greet the boy.

"Rotxo!" Juro exclaims, a wide smile spread across his face while his eyes playfully jumped onto the new face.

I recognised him. He was the one who mocked my tail upon the first day we arrived, so seeing him wasn't the best outcome of this day. I still felt some bottled up anger towards him and his previous actions.

Besides, on top of that, he was still close to Aonung.

"Hey guys," Rotxo was happier than ever to see us, it's like he was kissed by a thousand of sun rays. "What are you doing here?" He sits beside us.

"We are just talking." Hu'timi shrugs and nudges my elbow.

I spare him a glare with the corner of my eye. Rotxo doesn't see it nor he cares enough to notice the glares that me and Hu'timi exchanged. It's like I was a mere shadow — I was there, but not important enough to acknowledge it.

"Hey bro," Juro scoots a little closer to him, wearing a smug smile on his lips. "You know that girl Y/n, don't you?" He asks and I can feel the tension arriving in my body.

If I know Juro well enough, he's gonna say something stupid and I'll certainly won't like it.

Rotxo thinks for a few seconds before responding "Yeah, I do." His tone was engulfed by pure confusion. "Why?"

"Well, my bro here Lo'ak." He hugs me through the shoulders while I give him a death-stare. "He kinda likes the girl but is too shy to talk to her."

Rotxo sends me a smirk. Throughout the whole time he's been with us, this was the first time he actually noticed my existence. And I hated that it was under these circumstances.

I free an defeated sigh and shake my head from disbelief. My own very best friend has pushed me under the bus like that. Are all Metkayina teenagers like that?

"Ohhh I see," Rotxo laughs and points a finger towards the beach. "I got you bro. I saw her in the beach earlier today, I'll talk to her for you."

All of them share a laugh and I could only sit there in silence and think to myself:

What mess have I created?

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