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What is an example of an perfect night? The one where your crush asks you out? The one where you find out the best news of your life? A question that holds many truthful answer yet for you, it was a night like this.

Walking through the empty beach, kicking the warm sand with your feet and allowing the silver moon to illuminate your whole body which reflected on the ocean. This was the perfect night.

Your hair fell beautifully onto your shoulders as your footsteps, which were printed in the sand, would soon be washed away by the peaceful waves of the ocean.

"If only I could come here more often," you mumbled while fixing your hair behind your ear and crouching down suddenly. "I hate that I only come here when I have the reason to."

As much as you hate to admit, it was the naked truth. You never come here, to this beautiful beach, unless something had happened. In your case, about 10 minutes before coming here, you got an earful from your mom because of your recent 'unjustified' behaviour.

And by that she meant Lo'ak. You were pressing her buttons just by even looking at him and today she finally snapped - calling you all sorts of names and forbidding you to ever interact with him or any of his siblings.

'Nothing beats mother's love' they say.

Suddenly, you placed your thoughts aside when the sound of someone leaving the ocean came into your earshot. It was the sound of footsteps, water being splashed everywhere and the sound of laboured breathing.

'Who would go for swimming this late at night?' You thought as you motioned your head to your right. It was the source of the sound.

You could feel your jaw dropping to the floor when you noticed that it was one of the Sully siblings who's out so late. It appears to be a girl and you had no doubts that it was Kiri.

"Oh," she slowly walked out of the glistening water and merely jumped when she saw you, standing before her like some sort of ghost. "Hey..."

You crossed your hands on your chest while delivering her a look that was generated from pure confusion. "What are you doing? Do your parents know that you're here?" you showered her with bunch of questions.

You sounded like an elderly woman interrogating trouble-makers, but given that Kiri still has a lot to learn before she could be left alone in the water, it was the right attitude to use.

Mostly because you'd responsible if something bad happened to her.

She shook her head and waved her hands. "No, no they don't." The mood casted a beautiful shadow behind her whilst her eyes searched for a place to rest. "But don't tell them..."

"I won't." You responded.

You weren't a snitcher and you too had all sorts of problems on your own, so it really wasn't any of your business.

Before you got the chance to walk away, her voice rang out once more, blessing your ears to be met with such angelic voice that she owned. "What are you doing here though?"

"I don't know." You shrugged. "I'm just here to enjoy my time."

Before you could even realise, the two of you were already walking alongside. Her short hair complimented her face and she looked even more outstanding in the pale moonlight.

But at least that's how she was in your eyes. In fact, you believed that breathtaking beauty was in her family's genes.

"This place is amazing..." after a pause of silence, Kiri spoke up, her eyes jumping from you to the ocean and then back on you.

You awkwardly kicked the sand with your feet while biting the inside of your cheeks. "It is... we are lucky to live in a place like this."

She looks at you and flashes the most sincere and genuine beam that you've ever seen. This girl... she wasn't like any other girl from your clan, she was friendly and spiritual, you found yourself wondering if all Omaticaya clan Na'vi are like this.

But even so, you were still glad with the people you had in your clan. This whole place where Metkayna people were staying reminded you of heaven — it was too beautiful to be a real place and it must be a fallen star. A gift from Eywa.

"What is your name again?" She rotates her head towards you and asks in the most innocent tone. "Was it Y/n?"

"Yeah, one and only." You chuckled.

She laughs too, probably because she feels embarrassed that she has forgotten your name. "Do you remember my name?" Kiri asks, in case you forgot her name, then it would certainly make her feel better for forgetting yours.

You stop walking and so does she, then, you place your thumb on your chin and pretend to be in deep thought.

"Hm, is it Kiri?"

"Yup!" Blissfully she exclaimed, still happy that you knew her name.

"What were you doing in the ocean, Kiri?"

"The ocean is just so beautiful..." her eyes glistens with pure admiration as she averts her gaze to the knowing-all sea. "I just couldn't keep away from it."

"That's understandable." You nodded to her words, agreeing with her. "I once almost drowned in it but other than that, it's cool."

She laughs at your unnecessary comment.

If you have any respect for me left...

As she laughs, your mind replies your mother's words, making your throat go dry and unbearable guilt to awaken in your body.

You'll stop interacting with these people...

After Kiri stops laughing and lets her energetic personality to cool off, she is met with your weird expression. It was like a fog - it was there but it was almost impossible to see anything.

"Are you okay?" She asks, clearly worried about the sudden change of your emotions.

"I'm fine." It was a white lie, the kind of lie that wouldn't harm anyone.

On the contrary, it saved her. Because how would she react if you told her that you hate her and that you expect to never see her again? She'd probably have a lot of emotions but neither of them would be nice.

Once again, you've went against your own mother and once again you've fallen into an abyss that opened up because of your self-loathing.

The inner conflict goes on.



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