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The sun has reached it's highest point in the sky, it's rays lighting up the whole village and beyond. Your mom would always say 'the sun is calling it's followers to work' whenever the day is beautiful like today.

You always complied to your mother's words however today was a an exception. With the foreigner entering your people's land, you just couldn't take your eyes off of them.

You sat in the shadows of trees — palm trees to be specific — while your eyes were casted on the newcomers that were inspecting the whole village.

Kinda creepy, yeah, but that's the only way to observe them cause you'd never find the courage within yourself to actually interact with them for obvious reasons. Or reason.

Suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere and was placed on your right shoulder, making your body jolt up. "Relax, it's just me." A soothing girl voice spoke.

"Aíva? You scared me. . ." You placed your hand on your heart as you could feel your heart pounding. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

Aíva fell into a thoughtful silence as if she was noting the things to do and the things that she shouldn't do when approaching someone.

"Sorry." She mumbled, occupying a seat beside you. "I didn't mean to startle you or anything."

You glanced at her with the corner of your eyes and noticed that she had her gaze downcast and ears down; like she was embarrassed. "It's fine, don't overthink it." With a simple hand swing, you were able to brighten Aíva's mood.

This short-lasted conversation ended just to occupy silence all over again. However this time you were the one to break it as you spoke in a way more gentle voice.

"What brings you here anyway?"

"I just saw you and I wanted to thank you. . ." You sent a puzzled glance towards her, uncertain of what she was talking about. "The other day you saved me from Aonung, remember?"

Everything returned to your mind in a blink of an eye; the day when Aonung was picking on her so you stepped in to distract him. "Yeah, that's no problem."

The girl flashed you a kind-hearted smile as her eyes followed your gaze and landed on the Sully family. "How do you feel about them?"

"I little wary."

That's what you both had in common: both of you didn't trust the newcomers. It's clear that they were playing tag and chase, but you were afraid that the one chasing them was the war.

Although your mind still had a shadow casted upon it; the shadow that contained the dreams you had about the boy that looks awfully a lot like one of the Sully children.

"Well they're definitely so much more different than us." Aíva noted, earning a quizzed glance from you as of what she's gonna say next. "But maybe we shouldn't judge them too soon."

'Don't judge the book by it's cover.' Another thing that your mother would say. She'd always use this phrase when giving you a long lecture about how you should make friends instead of being alone all the time.

But she also said 'you mustn't harbour any feelings towards that boy from your dreams' so if the boy did happen to be the one you've dreamt about, interacting or even looking at his direction would be a crime. 

"That's true." You nodded your head without thinking much of it.

"Maybe you'll make good friends with that boy you had a conversation with earlier."

Her words were enough to knock all the air out of your lungs and for your body to stiffen. You knew exactly who was she talking about and you certainly didn't like it that you knew.

Upon seeing your reaction, Aíva giggled. "Yeah, I saw the two of you exchanging a few words earlier today."

"But that was nothing!" You placed a hand over your heart to make you appear more sincere. "In fact he was the one who came up to me."

"It means he's interested in befriending you!" Aíva pointed out and much to your dismay she had more to say — you could tell by the way her eyes glistened. "I'd kill to have someone interested in befriending me like he is."

It was a complete mystery of how the conversation shifted from her thanking you for saving her to a conversation surrounding around Lo'ak only.

"You can take him." You mumbled as you leaned onto the tree behind you and allowed the warm sun to embrace your body. "I have no interest in him."

Aíva crossed her arms but she knew that you'd be too stubborn to even admit that you were interested. Deep down she knew that you were just as curious about them as she was.

But she did not bother to bicker about it, your stubbornness would find a way to win anyway.

"Aíva!? Where have you run off girl!?" Distant yell of a woman rang out, making Aíva stay rooted in place.

"Shit. . ." she cursed under her heavy breath as she gazed towards the voice direction. "It's my mom, I gotta go!"

Before you could say anything to protest or to say goodbye, she already ran off leaving you in dust.

And you stayed there, in the shadows of trees leaning against its stump and allowing your body to relax. Before you even knew, you drifted off to sleep underneath the warm sun and heavy clouds.

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